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Sitting at this girls night and I was trying to blend in but my hormones was literally all over the place. Plus, the conversation Chris and I had was playing in my head as well. "Hello, Jada?!" Paula said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You been very quiet. Something wrong?" She asked.

"Umm... Nope just tired" I lied.

"How's Chris?" Chasity asked. I know damn well she didn't care about Chris. "He's fine".

"Did he finally give you a title yet?" She asked.

"Why is it that we have to talk about him?" I asked.

"Because we don't understand how after two years you're okay with being a booty call. It baffles us" she said.

"Do you see me complaining at all about Chris?" I asked.

"No but—cutting her off "exactly so if I'm not complaining then just move on with a different topic" they gasped "someone is snappy".

"Something is different about you tonight. You're snappy and quiet. And we usually get our periods at the same time but it's too early. Hmm... you wouldn't be pregnant?".

"You two are getting in my nerves, for real" I said.

"Answer the question!" Paula said.

"No I'm not pregnant. If this is what we are doing tonight I'm going to leave" I warned.

"And what go back to Chris' house?" Chasity asked.

"No actually I would go home" I said.

"Then again I don't think you would go to his home when his ex is probably there riding the same dick you just rode before you got here" she said.

"Here we go! You both can't mind your business. Do I speak on how you been with Tristan for years and he constantly cheats on you? Or how Paula can't commit hence why she's single. No! I don't! So please give me the same damn respect!" I said.

They both sat there quiet. Nothing said. The rest of the night they didn't speak to me. It's whatever at this point. By eleven I just walked out. I wasn't enjoying this girls night at all. If anything I was feeling attacked by them both.

When I got home. I showered and just laid in bed watching television. My phone went off. I knew it was Chris.

"Are you home?" He texted.

"Yeah" I texted.

"Did you have fun?" He texted.

"No, I went off on them both. I'll tell you whenever I come over" I texted.

"Damn, them hormones got you all fired up" he texted.

"Lol, pretty much. But I'm going to sleep" I texted.

That night I laid there just thinking about everything. My dad is going to be upset I never told him I was pregnant. My friends will be beyond pissed that I lied. But I'm not ready to share the news yet. Chris feels I'm ashamed about him but I'm not. I just want a nice safe and stress free pregnancy. When I'm ready I'll say something. But for now only Chris and I will know.

The next day at work Paula walked up to me "What was with you last night?".

"I'm just tired of you and Chasity always ragging in Chris. He's done nothing to you guys. If anything he's been very polite to you both" I said.

"It's not that he's done anything to us. But we don't like the way he treats you. And the fact you allow him to... kills us. You're a pretty, smart woman Jada and you're settling for someone who isn't going to ever commit to you. He rather just fuck you and the go fuck his ex".

Listen I'm done with these two always telling me about Chris. "Paula no offense but you are not in my thing with him. So you don't know. Chris and I have our own issues to deal with now".

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine!" I said. She raised her brow "Jada you do know we been friends longer so I can see right through you. And I for sure can see you're hiding something from me".

"Paula I'm not hiding anything from you. I'm just annoyed" I said. She stared at me "okay, if you say so". I couldn't wait to get out of here. My mood was just sour today. Plus, I haven't heard from Chris at all today which leads me to believe he's with Brooke. Everything that was going on was getting on my nerves. All I needed to do was just go home and relax. No phones at all.

That's exactly what I did. I changed my clothes and just laid in bed. My phone was next to me but I wasn't texting anyone. I wanted to be alone. About ten Chris texted me. But I ignored it. He had all day to text me and he chooses to do it at ten at night. No, I'm not answering. He kept texting me but I was so I tuned to the television. Then he called me numerous times.

Sleep finally came for me. When I woke up I had about ten voicemails. Sighing cause I knew who it was. Should I listen to it? Nah I delete the voicemails and got up to start my day. After doing my morning routine I grabbed my bag and opened the door. Chris was standing there with a mean mug.

"Do you know how worried I was?" He said.

"Oh really? I couldn't tell" I said. He pulled me back into my place closing the door. "If there's one thing that pisses me off... it's when you ignore me!".

"Well Chris you weren't the first thing on my mind yesterday" I said.

"Why are you so upset?" He asked.

"No reason, are we done here?" I asked. I was about to walk away from him but he got a hold of my arm and pulled me to him. Nothing was said. He leaned down and kissed me. Now usually this would lead to us having sex. But not today. Pushing him back "I need to go to work. Go use those lips on Brooke".

He seemed taken back at what i said "oh so this is about Brooke?".

"You can go now" I pointed to the door.

"You do know Brooke isn't a threat to you or us. I haven't seen Brooke in weeks" he said.

"Uh Huh... right. But I have to go to work so..." he was walking out the door but stopped "I know you're hormonal and all. But when Jada comes back tell her to give me a call". I was starting to dislike him.

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