Hazy Eyes

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(Finally, FINALLY DONE! This was stuck in my head for a while, but putting it down on paper/a screen? was quite...something. I like how it turned out though! Hope you do too!

Speaking of hope, happy Easter to those who celebrate it! I personally don't but I am thankful for this extra loooooong weekend.  😇 

Catch! This is for you! -> 💗 )


Have you ever left your body? 

Scientifically speaking, it's called having an "out-of-body-experience." Have you ever had one of those? Yes, no? Maybe but you're not sure?

What is it like? 

Well, it's that feeling when you're speaking but can't control your body or words. That faintly tingly sensation that you have lost all physical direction but don't mind, because you trust your body enough to not screw up, or you simply don't mind anything that's happening.

It's kind of like when you wake up in the morning, someone tells you something, and you reply automatically. No emotions poured in, no witty remarks. You just reply, check the clock, remember the time, then forget you did. Or it's similar to when you have to double check if you flushed the toilet because you don't remember doing it. But you somehow always flush it without knowing when or with which hand. Then, when you think back, you realize that it was as if you were watching a movie play out; your body reacted by itself, your voice wasn't in your control yet you were aware of everything. Then, when the person 'you' were talking to leaves, you suddenly, consciously, come back into the present, your soul shifting back into your capsule.

Yeah, weird right? It's not a bad feeling. It's not scary. It's just one of complete detachment: You do not react the same way you usually would; you do not think the words coming out of your mouth; you act and react, but it's not you.

This strangeness—this weird apathy—is exactly what Uult was feeling in his last moments under the rubble. He had heightened sensitivity, but could care less to feel anything. He could see everything, even if his actual vision was turning on and off like a switch, but did not react. 

He simply...observed. 

The rubble was being lifted from the outside, now only about 5 meters deep. The pounding of workers feet caused mini earthquakes. The cavern trembled along with them. Both flame wielders stopped their attacks to stabilize themselves. Catching a glint of color in the darkness, Dabi whipped around, face paling. Uult was glowing a light pink. He looked panicked, arm reaching towards Uult before he was thrown off balance again with a curse. 

Wait, I'm glowing? That's not suppose to happen.

Slowly, dust pockets were emerging in small areas of the makeshift roof. It was a matter of moments before the workers would get through. It seemed like Dabi knew. His face screamed it all. Uult cringed, knowing what would be in store for the man. What it would mean for him to be forced into the clutches of the man who tarnished him. Who tortured him unwillingly, who was ruining another child (read: Todoroki) into apathy for life. Endeavor would most likely demand to personally question the villain, and the result— Uult shook the thought away. He would not let that happen. 

I wish his suffering could vanish. I wish I could erase what turned him into this. I wish... Man. If only things were different...Wait. What was I supposed to do?

Uult saw his vision swaying slightly. His head was becoming heavy. Realizing that his body was blacking out, Uult used the rest of his will to regain control. Once he did, the pain was suddenly suffocating, but the crystal user had somehow predicted it. Blue eyes trained on Dabi's flaming turquoise, Uult's hand called the crystals to shift forwards. Past the pain and the blur, the boy knew what he had to do, having steeled his guts beforehand to carry out only one thought:

Get him out.


Dabi would never admit it, but he was panicking. 

He was right there! I could have gotten him! 

Dabi thought that he was almost through the wall, that he could wring that monster by his neck, ridding the world of his godforsaken presence. He could feel the bitter taste of victory on his lips, waiting for him to grab it. Literally. That was before he was thrown off balance by the ground shaking. 

Or rather, the room.

Dabi cursed his luck. Of course the rescue team was almost upon them. Of course. Who could stay under 20 floors of fallen metal, chunks of wood and slabs of plaster for two days and live? Not many. So they worked overtime to get them out. Curse the heroes' ethics. Screw their morality. Screw pink spirits



"What the D*CK!?!!!!" 

Is that What in the-HE'S GLOWING? WHAT DID THAT KID DO?!?

The ground shook once more, making the jittery flame-wielder crash to his knees. 

F*cking sh**! If this kid is moving the ground, I swear

Something crashed into his shoe. It was big enough to thump, but sounded hollow. Dabi was about to dismiss it when its eerie reflection caught his gaze. It was a small, green bottle. 

How did this get down here?  Is this Uult's?

Scanning it closely, he read the name: The cylinder of doom. Dabi's eyes widened. He knew that name. He knew the guy handing these out. He had been there when two scrawny shadows came into the alley, one forcing the other to take it, making a joke about it being doom itself. If Uult still kept it, and was currently glowing freaking PINK like a f*cking ALIEN, then did he?

He couldn't have

He shook it. Once.

Oh, f*ck, no. 


It's empty.

His head flicked up. 

That idiot!

Dabi made to get up

The kid's gonna DIE

but he couldn't do anything

The ceiling was being opened— no, lifted  by the parting stones, the rescue squad just a few meters out of reach. Dabi could hear their anxious voices calling out, scattering like ants, trying to prepare for their breakthrough. The breakthrough that would leave him trapped, caught in the clutches of that murderer who would tear him to bits while he would be chained to some kind of chair or wall or 

Something smooth slithered around his limbs. Dabi looked down, crystal-covered arms and legs greeting him. More crystals were piling around him, trapping him in a bubble. Dabi held back a scream, teeth grinding in fury.

"You little SH!"

Too late. Uult made his move. As the bubble fully closed, Dabi could only read Uult's lips before the boy pushed him under.

I'm sorry.

For WHAT?!?

The last thing Dabi saw before the pod was shot into the dark earth was a blinding light illuminating the battered body of a child, a small, fragile child, with his blue eyes rolling back into his sockets. If the pyro hadn't been so angry, if he wasn't so downright terrified at how much Uult resembled the Dabi from that day, he would have thought he saw an angel. 

An angel who fell into the merciless ground.

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now