A Talking Granny and the Second Last Day

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Filler chapter because...author block. 😅You can skip if you really want.


It was a nice and peaceful Thursday morning. The sun was shining brilliantly outside making the temperature juuuuust right. It was all quietly calm.

See, that's the problem.

The moment it's nice and peaceful you know that somehow, for some reason, in a couple seconds, something or someone will come to shatter your peace to dust. Sometimes it comes in the form of a sound or an email. Sometimes it's your stomach or you remember you forgot about something. Other times, it comes in the shape of a small, bubbly woman in her late 50s that has come to sweep your room and talk your ear off for 30 minutes straight.

That's what Uult was currently experiencing: The wrath of the talkative elder.

"...and then, all I could think of asking is how come the frying pan was broken but not the swing? Plus, the food that was on the table never touched the floor, so we ate it anyway! Can you believe it?"

Yeah...no. Uult wasn't paying attention. If he had focused on this absurd tale it would've probably made sense, but he couldn't bring himself to bother.

All teenagers who have met their older relatives know that the worst part is not that you're not actually interested in their stories. The stories can be really cool! The worst part is that no matter how little attention you give them, no matter if you ask them to stop, they won't. So you're stuck in respectful silence and your quiet moment has been stolen. (Plus, asking them to stop will be considered rude. )

Pretty stressful, right?  Thankfully, once her terrible tale was over, the woman finally took note of Uult's obvious disinterest. Except... not in the way expected...

"Oh, you poor thing! Why the frown, young man? You won't get any women if you keep looking like that; you'll get wrinkles! Aren't you happy? You should smile! Show me your beautiful teeth one more time! This is your last day here! No more white walls and staying in bed; you'll be a free man at last!"

Uult held back his 10 millionth sigh and forced on a 'happy' smile. Which... was actually, surprisingly effective on the chirpy woman.

"I am happy, Miss Juun. Thank you again for the crazy funny story, but please, if I could ask you again," (like I have five flipping times already!) "I can see that the floor is practically spotless, you did a magnificent job as usual, so could you please just leave the water on my counter? I'd like some time to myself."

"Oh, okay! I'll be quiet!" Miss Juun gathered her equipment and put it on her janitor cart. Then she stood beside it with a shining smile. Uult waited for her to leave...


She didn't move. (Cue the facepalm.)

"Alone, Miss Juun."

"Ah! Right, right! Of course. It's only quiet time when it's alone time! Alone it is! My bad! I'll let you rest then. Hope you have smooth sailing at school and that you don't do such reckless things anymore. You have a bright future ahead of you, young man, and such a cute face. Don't waste it!"

Before Uult even had time to reply, the short woman had pattered away. The room fell into silence. A second passed. Two. A gust of wind blew through the window. Four... Five...

The door remained shut.

"...Oh my god, she actually left! YES!!!" Uult cheered silently. 

After a few happy dances, he decided to start treasuring his sweet, sweet silence. Laying back down, the brunet smiled. There was a sense of muted joy and excitement that came from watching the clocks handles tick tock, tick tock, counting down the amount of time Uult had till he could leave his dreaded monotony behind.

He was just starting to drift off into a nice, fluffy sleep filled with clouds, blue skies, flower meadows and daffodils when suddenly—

Knock, knock, knock.

Blue eyes flashed open. There goes my nap.


A thin man peeked inside.

"Sorry to disturb you but someone is here to see you. They said it's important."

Uult turned his face towards the ceiling, expecting Professor Aiwaza to walk in and start ranting his ears off. Instead,


Uult looked up. There, within two meters from his bed, stood a mass of muscles that had briskly pushed into the room. With two bulging arms crossed on their wide chest and a strategically constructed poker face plastered on, Uult almost peed himself. (He didn't. That would've been embarrassing.) He could only pale in fright.


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