Busted Bubble - The Real Criminals

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Okay. I'm gonna be honest. 
This chapter was flipping HARD to get right. Not the writing itself, but the ideas. It took me way too long to find a song to fit the mood, and I'm still unsure if it even fits entirely. Plus, this is supposed to be a turning point, so I had to get it juuust right, and due to my lack of human contact and slight depressive though patterns, I had to make-do with situations I experienced before this whole quarantine-shebang. 
Hopefully, I hit the nail on the head and this works. Enjoy!


With a bit of reluctance, Uult accepted the offer. He had his conditions, of course. He got to read and change the contract where needed. He also convinced them to agree to plan his schedule according to his current one, so that he could keep his job and not loose too much sleep. It was pretty much a job offering of some teen's wet-dreams.


The next day a shiny black limousine was parked outside the front of UA.
[Sadly, Uult didn't get the chance to ride in it. The vehicle was a decoy. Another black van was used to transport Uult and his mother, Anne, to the faculty to discuss his placement further. ]
Of course, there was also a tour of the building and a meeting with the staff and principal, which, actually turned into him staying outside the office door as the adults discussed...something <adult-like>.

While Uult was waiting outside the door on the semi-comfortable bench, he saw a girl whip around a corner and skadoushed into the wall she was facing. He cringed at the loud smack that resounded in the hall.

"Oof! Are you alright?"

The small girl shook her head furiously, looking left and right as if something scary would have appear around the corner after her. She looked petrified. Feeling guilty, the brunet knelt down and gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. 

"What's your name?" She shook her head. Uult sighed. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me."

Snapping her head up, she shook it again, only with a more confident expression. She gnawed her bottom lip before speaking softly. 

"O Seaghdha. B-but," she gnawed her lips again, looking left-to-right, before leaning in closer to whisper even quieter, "I'm not suppose to use it."

Blink, blink.

...Okay...? Weird...

"Then, what do you want me to call you?"


"Okay then, Shi. Nice to meet you! My name's Uult, but you can call me Skaala since it's easier." 

The girl giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"Your name!"

Uult fake-gasped, dramatically posing with a hand on his forehead. "Oof! Right in the heart! You sure know how to charm people, don't'cha?"

They both giggled for a minute of two until they heard a doorknob turn.



Shi froze like a deer in headlights. As Uult rose to his full height, he heard heels clicked up from behind him, leaving the now-open door. Accompanied by a simpering tone greeting Uult and telling him the final details. 

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now