Blackened Quartz

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Heads up: Childishness ahead. My writing style will change for this chapter to fit in better with the essential mood. But not to worry, my beautiful readers! I have not lost my language! I am merely describing thoughts in the almost-real way we think. Enjoy!


(Uult P.O.V.)

White. It is pure white when I wake up. I can't remember much, only two things: that my name is Uult and that I woke up. That's it. Nothing more. 

It's not so bad. I don't need to know anything else. Even if I wanted to. The only thing aside from me in this space is White.

Pure white. 

There's nothing here. There's nothing there. I checked (out of curiosity). Just white, white, white everywhere. Everything is nothing but White.

Even me. 

Or... maybe it's light? Who knows. It's pretty. It's calming. I am a floating orb of light.

Pffftttt!!! That's funny!

I'm floating. Floaty, floaty, floooooaaaaatiiiiiing~~~!

ECHO! (Echo!) How funny! I can hear myself but my mouth's not moving. (Do I have a mouth? )


Whoa, my echo makes scuffling noises. Something like a creak of a spring, or more like boots? ... (I don't even know what those are, but it sounds about right.) Hey! Maybe if I yell again I'll hear more noises?


Hey, kid. 


That is not my voice.

I don't have much time, so listen, I!  

Why did it pause?

I know you're can hear me. 

I'm 'Canhearme'? But... I'm Uult.

The ugly-ass monster in white said so. 

Do I know you?

Just— Listen. 


Kid... Man, I'm not good at this.

Who are you?

I'm... I'm sorry.

Don't be sad. 

And I hate it. 

I'm not hurt.

So do yourself a favor and come back.

Come...back? Aren't I already here? Where am I supposed to be?

You'd hate the bed you're put in. It reeks of your sweat. And the room, you'd hate its blankness too. Heh...

A bed? But I'm not sleeping. I'm very much awake, thank you very much!


Why did the voice stop?



You have a dream. So don't be a coward. Suck it up, come back, bear through the pain and live it.

A dream? What's a dream? Why does saying that taste sweet? And "suck it up"? Is this "dream" like a lollipop, colorful and sweet? But it can't be lived. You eat lollipops. Not dreams. Right? Right???

I can't stay any longer, so here. I'm returning this, you little dumbass. 

Pfft! "Dumbass". What a childish word. 

And if you tell anyone about this, I'll make sure to kill you myself.

There are others?

Heal. Make sure I won't see you anytime soon.  

Wait! Where are you going? 




Wow... That's strange.... It's not white at all... It's filled with colors: blue, bright green, turquoise, purple, pink, yellow... It's beautiful.

I want to go there.

Out of nowhere, a clear light starts swirling around, increasing in speed till I can no longer see. But I can feel it. I can feel everything. My eyes start watering, overtaken by a jumble of emotions, pulling, gripping, dragging me down somewhere, somewhere... 

Then suddenly... 

It stops.

And I am floating in a galaxy of flowers.


Beep, beep... Beep,beep... Beep, beep... 


It was pitch black when Uult awoke. This time he was sure he was actually, physically awake. Not that he could see anything, but he knew. The smell was terrible. The itch was persistent. The machine beside him was too annoying. At least, Uult thought it was a machine. 

Beep, beep... Beep, beep... Beep, beep... 

Given, his eyes were closed, but he knew that if he opened them there would be stark walls, or faces too close for comfort, or worse, a glaring light waiting to gouge his eyes out! Uult groaned. That sounded torturous. But no one was rushing him. Nah! He would jut wait a bit. Just a bit till

A door opened. A pen tapping wood. Rustling of feet. A gasp. 

"Dr. Wanghe, DR. WANGHE! Call Dr. Sing! The patient in room 241 is waking up!" 

Thankfully the sudden yell was muffled by the door or else Uult would have scratched his own ears off. Willingly. The voice was not the soothing one he heard when he was light. This one was more high pitched, smooth and did not sound sore or full at all. It was empty. 

Professional, Uult's mind supplied. I hope they leave soon. 

To his dismay, the voice came closer. "Mister, I can tell you're awake. Do you need water? It will do you good." 

Gosh, so annoying.

Blue orbs opened to a stained white ceiling. Blinking away the pain, Uult creaked his head to the side, squinting at the blurry face. He was surprised when his hoarse voice managed the feeble mumble past dry lips, "No."

That made the porcelain face frown in displeasure. 

Hah! Take that, fake-face! 

Trying hard to conceal her grimace, she (yes, she. Her  chubby face is close enough to see it clearly. Gosh, I hate hospitals) kept asking something along the lines of careful persuasion to "drink something" but the words fell on deaf ears. Uult ignored her, and for a good reason. 

Something was out of place.

In all hospitals, there is a rule that gifts are only allowed to be placed on the bedside table due to "practical reasons" (read: IVs). You are not allowed to let an unconscious person hold anything in case they harm themselves. Yet, there was a small, warm weight lying in his left fist. The nurse's voice turned to complete white noise as Uult stared into his opened hand.

There he found, to his amazement, a tiny chipped crystal laying in his palm, glazed blue by an unknown force of nature. Uult smiled, his eyes closing blissfully. 

He knew. They were okay. Everything was okay.

Bringing the stone to his heart, Uult pulsed out a small message to the man who brought him back.

Thank you, Blue Iris.

Thank you.

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now