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Last chapter...

Endeavor smiled.

Uult screamed.

-------('So, yeah... That happened' )---------

Somewhere, someone was jolted awake by a red hot pulse stabbing their side. It was different than before. The rhythm was something akin to rapid-fire footsteps drenched in freezing lake water. It was sickly. It was cold. It was bone-drenching and strangling. It burned their skin like the taste of murder. 

'Why don't I like it?' 

Grinding their teeth, they rolled onto their side. Picking up the jagged piece of pain from under their back, the shadowed figure brought it up at eye-level. The blue surface was hazy, no longer a soft pastel pinkish-white. It was glowing vaguely in erratic fractals, leaving spider-like rivulets to glow then dim as if it was breathing. If the person squinted their eyes , they could vaguely pick out a deep red hue ghosting from just underneath the surface's shore.

'Curious... What if I...?'   

The instant the thumb grazed the surface of the stone, it was dropped. The thumb burned like a cauldron of boiling water. Maybe it had been burned, just not the thumb. The figure felt a strange ghost of thin pressure curling around his throat. Even as they massaged their neck with their own hand, the dull, invisible throbs stayed tightly laced, squeezing momentarily like a boa. It was followed by a series of small visions flickering across their sight. They'll never admit it, but they panicked.

"What the f**k?"


Somewhere else, Uult was chewing his nails to shreds. 

"Stupid, stupid, STUPID! How can you be so- GAH! Now you're losing wordsUnBELIEvable!!!!"  

See, the interview was complete; Mei and Uult had gotten back to UA and returned their results a few hours ago. But that was not the problem. The problem was that Uult had discovered that he had accidentally sent a Pulse to someone that was NOT his family. (See bottom for Notes

A few minutes ago, he had rationalized that he sent it to either Yosetsu or Setsuna, but after sending some quick cryptic messages, Uult came to a horrid conclusion: it was none of them. The Pulse chose the worst possible person. Uult messed up. Bad. 

So here he was, on his way to the junkyard to get some supplies, mumbling darkly to himself while kicking stones as far as he could.

"AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! How can THEY be the first one you thought about. C'mooonn Uult! What were you thinking?!? Actually, come to think of it, I WASN'T! ... Why did I even Pulse?!?!!!" Ok, Uult knew why; Endeavor smiling plus noticing him is an equation destined for disaster. It is both scary and disturbing. Seeing Endeavor smile was the worst omens of bad omens. Uult had almost smashed his camera and even ended up stepping in goose poop. Who knows what other bad things will start to happen!

"Calm down Uult. Calm down. Think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts... It's ok. Yeah, right, sure, you know, whatever. It will all be fine. It's not like the person who you Pulsed will be in a heck lotta trouble, most likely be hunted down if they even so much as see me, and then maybe figure it out, drag a couple of others in this, and then all of us will be screwed. Yeah, no. No biggie-OOF!"

As if he was a typical child, Uult landed on his butt with a thump. He didn't even get a chance to regained his bearings as he was pulled to his feet by a hand and the sound of a demand: 

"Are you alright?"

Uult's answer came faster than he thought it would.

"What is this?" There stood none other than Todoroki. His eyes held concern as he pointed to the heavy looking contraption attached to Uult's left arm. After the initial shock wore off, the brunet smiled at his blunt friend.

"Oh, well hello to you too. As straightforward as always, I see." At least the ice-fire wielder "It's a weight-lifter. Don't worry, it only looks heavy. What are you doing here?" 

Todoroki pointed over his shoulder. "Ice cream." 

 Sure enough, there was the Dekusquad. Iilda was laughing at a joke with Tsu and Midoriya. Uraraka, bubbly-attentive as usual, spotted Uult and waved. They invited Uult to stay a while but the boy,  being lactose-intolerant,  kindly refused. "Plus, I need to get back to the lab on foot since the metals are too long for the bus, and I'd like to get there before the sun sets. Let's hang out when you have more free time, right?" A chorus of ok's chanted in response. "Kk. I'll see you around!-"

"Wait..." Todoroki's soft voice and hand on his shoulder paused his departure. "I got a message..."

Uult tilted his head like a puppy. "What message? I didn't text you or anything, right?"

Todoroki shook his head. "The stone. It was red." Uult gulped, smile wavering slightly. The ever-so kind Todoroki held his gaze with deep concern. "Are you... ok?"

"I-" Todoroki kept staring at him, making Uult really want to tell the truth. The whole truth. How he got caught under the building because Endeavor asked him to stay in the basement for safety measures. How Endeavor threatened exposing Uult's secret to the world, inhibiting him from going on field ever again. How the burly inferno had accused him of being a villain and was now apparently keeping close surveillance on his every move. If he could just get it off his chest- 

But, Endeavor is Todoroki's father. No matter how much of a prick he can be, Uult would not dare say anything that would just make their relationship worse than it already is. Nothing good would come out of that. 

So, instead, Uult opted to avert his gaze, widen his smile and lie. "Yeah. I'm ok. I had a mini panic attack and accidentally freaked out. Touched the stone and well, you know the rest. Sorry for making you worry."

Todoroki didn't seem all that convinced, but nodded either way. 

"I'll be going now. I'll see you around!"

Todoroki let out a tiny smile. "...See you..."

After turning a couple of blocks away, Uult sighed. "At least it was him." 

Adn yet, the more he thought abourt it, the more something felt off.

One thing definitely didn't add up: 

'Why did Todoroki have no visions?


(Note: Pulsing is the action of Uult sending electromagnetic signals through the crystals to transport messages to someone else in possession of a given crystal. It works in heart-like patterns, due to them being indirectly attached to his nervous system. All members of Uult's family own a crystal, which they keep in the form of a necklace, brooch or bracelet. 

Setsuna, Yosetsu and Juso all own one crystal each. On their first week of school, Uult got lost and ended up stumbling into class's 1-B's training grounds right when several attacks were shot in his direction. Luckly, Uult managed to avoid them by making a wall. He got yelled at by the teacher, but also made some new friends. He somehow, ended up giving out three crystals, just in case, because Yosetsu reasoned; 'You idiot! At least we know where we are. Who knows what other f***ing trouble you'd get into!'
Uult was about to give one to Pony because he's also from an English speaking country abroad, but instead decided to exchange contact info.
Todoroki owns one from when Uult got paired with him on a fairly recent mission that involved tracking.

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