Give Me a Break

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When Endeavor gives a threat, you'd think it would be hardcore. Foul-proof. 

Strangely enough, Uult was finding it's conditions fairly easy to avoid. 

For starters, Uult was not actually training to become a hero like class 1-A and 1-B. He was studying in the department of Hero Support. Specifically, material engineering. Uult was pretty proud in his ability to morph crystals into fabrics. If Endeavor wanted to stick his grubby hands into his education, he couldn't; Uult was a new key asset from the heroes' gameplan. 

Not only that, but even if he was friends with a handful of class 1-A, those guys barely had enough time to even think about anything besides their training. Plus, with the last several attacks, Endeavor miraculously becoming the #1 pro hero and all the emotional stuff they were dealing with, Uult wasn't even surprised when they had a silent spell. 

As for the villain that he had indivertibly become acquainted with, Uult hadn't seen, heard or smelt Dabi's flames in ages. Then again, from between school, job, major projects and helping his siblings at home, the TV had remained steadily on Treehouse if it was on at all.
(Ahhh! The joys of having a heard of younger siblings. Uult wouldn't trade it for the world.)

All in all, his garden was blooming, his materials were being used more and his pale skin had not gotten fully burnt yet. 

Life was going pretty good. 


Then, one day, luck decided to throw it's hands in the air and yell 'SIKE!' 

Uult was assigned a new project. In groups of 2, the Hero Support students would draw a hero's name from a hat. Then, they would go out and interview said hero.
Fun right? 


You run a high risk of not getting the hero you wanted. And if you got one of the handful of snobbish ones, then you run the risk of intense eye-roll syndrome. 

Couldn't we just be given the Invention task like the class from last year? That sounded so much more accomplishing... (As a man of some words, Uult is an internal whiner.) 

A voice snapped Uult out of his musings.

"WOWIE! HEEEEYYYY, UUUUUULT!!! Looks like you're stuck with me AGAIN! Isn't that great? We are Heart Band Buddies again!" 

Uult smiled. If there was anyone he'd like to get paired with, it'd be Mei. They collaborate often on new projects, one being better at math while the other being more realistic, so they knew how to function perfectly together. It was perfect! Even if she was a bit psycho. (She called all her inventions babies.)

"Who do you think teach'll draw for us? Oh, I hope it's Power Loader. OH, or  Edgeshot! I could whip up a thousand different tools for him in less than one day! Or maybe a newbie hero? Oooohhh, I'm so excited! So much inspiration!  HEH HEH HEH~!!!" Mei rocked in her seat, hands and legs jittering in anticipation. Uult grinned at her exuberance. 

"Yeah, the're both cool and edgy and all, but you know who I'd rather meet? Ka-" 

"Kamui Woods. Yeah, yeah. We all know you LOOOOOVE him! Oh, don't deny it! I've seen your room before. I think you wouldn't mind meeting Miruko either, no~!" Mei giggled, successfully making Uult blush. "You have such an Earthy drive!" Que Uult's attempt to kick her under the table.

"Hatsume! Skála! Quit bickering, you two! We're about to see which team gets paired which pro hero, and I'm not telling you this information twice! The same goes for the lot of you. Understood?"

"Yes, Teacher~" the class chorused.

"Good. Now, it says here that group 1..."


"Man. I was really hoping we wouldn't get him..."

"Oh, come on! Don't sulk! He has a loooot of gear potential. Even more than Kamui Woods!"

Turns out, they didn't get either of their top picks. As they waited outside the door to their rendevu meeting room, Uult couldn't help but complain.

"Technically speaking, no duh, he does! Kamui doesn't fly! You can do so much with that ability. But I can't! Futur materiel engineer here! Plus, man, have you seen him on TV? He's such a show-off! I think I'll loose my mind in his presence! Meiiiii!!!!! Is it too late to switch with Juida's group? Or maybe Sean's? I heard they got someone with a dragon quirk. That could be cool to see-"

"Uult. Don't make me hit you. We got Hawks, the second top hero! He might be a snob, but he's a worthy snob. Deal with it, for my sake, and help me get him to try out my beautiful babies! Can you imagine the hot press I'll get if he uses one on his next mission?!? I proooooomise you I'll help you with that chemical compound you're struggling with!"

"Alright, you got yourself a solid deal!"

As they shook hands, a heavy brown door opened and out walked a FBI-looking guy. "Students of UA, I presume? Once the rooms clears, you are free to enter."

As Mei and Uult gathered their bags, getting their devices and questionnaire in order, another familiar voice rumbled from behind the door followed by obnoxious laughter. Uult shivered.

Why do I suddenly have goosebumps? 

As he raised his backpack onto his back, eyes skimming over the entrance, Uult turned to stone. He swore he peed his pants or else he would have imagined the warmth leaving him.

Out walked non other than Endeavor himself. And guess what was the first thing he did once he saw Uult?

Endeavor smiled.

And, as any normal human bean would react to that monstrosity...
Uult screamed.

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now