5 Times Dabi Noticed + 1 Willing Step Into A Mess

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A little gift for the 5 k views, here is a filler chapter on Dabi and Uult's relationship. 


The first time they met was not intentional. Not in the least. 

It was a cloudy Saturday. With nothing to do, Dabi risked a walk outside the lair. He was sick of hearing Toga's whining for being cooped up for so long. So what better way to distract himself than wandering around those clueless fleas in the streets. He was free either way, since the blue haired Handsy Mansy Zombie Man was off somewhere, presumably stalking his favorite marimo. (Of course, Dabi didn't know any of this because no one ever tells him this stuff. But at least he did know it was a Saturday and that he was bored.

As Dabi sauntered around a small park that was densely covered by trees, he spotted a deserted bench. Seeing no point in getting even more tired just to do nothing, he plopped down for a nap. Within a minute he was sneezing. To his left, there were some sickly happy flowers causing him to crinkle his nose. After a minute more of tolerating their presence, he shot up and started stomping on them. Hard. 

A cough caught his attention. Snapping his gaze to his right, away from the squashed mess, Dabi glared towards the noise.  He later decided that it was that very moment one of the moments he would regret the most till he died. 

There was a young boy with his hair pulled into a short ponytail wearing a bandanna around his neck. He was lounging with a book on his knees, gazing directly at Dabi's exposed face. 

"What?" The man hissed, expecting a negative reaction. It never came.

The boy was a strange specimen; instead of screaming like all the peasants usually do, or trying to attack like a 'noble hero' (which would have been understandable), this brunet did nothing. 

As in literally, nothing. 

Yes, the boy obviously did see Dabi. (Ever since the man had plopped down on the bench near his tree, actually. The sudden darkness was quite hard to miss.) Yes, the boy did recognize his face from the shadow of his hoodie. Yet, all the boy did was cock an eyebrow and continue reading. That pissed the villain off even more than he already was. Dabi continued his rampage out of spite. 

"Please leave the flowers alone." 

'Oh, how cute. Now he's gonna try to stop me.' 

As if reading his mind and not the book, the brunet shrugged. "I'm not gonna stop you. Can't force someone to not release pent-up frustration. Plus, you're not doing anything legally wrong. But, honestly, I do like those yellow Alstroemeria and Tulips, so could you please at least try not to trample on all of them? Thanks. " Back he was to reading his book. 

Dabi was seething speechless. "So what, after that glorious speech, you're just going to sit there?"

The boy blinked, tilting his head to the side. "Uhhhh, yeah? Duh. That's what I said."

"Hah? Being chivalrous, aren't you, giving me a chance to repent for my sins? You trying to do the church's job, little preacher boy? So kind of you. Well you can't convert a demon into a saint, especially when the systems corrupt, can you?" Dabi was confused. And a confused Dabi, is an angry one. The man's fingers were twitching with unseen heat. Any second now, he will be nothing but a pile of-

"Nah. You're not a bad guy."

Dabi froze. His thoughts disintegrated on the spot, replaced by a cold, questioning 'Why?' No one had ever called him anything good. 'Bad', 'failure' and 'disgrace', he's heard before. 'Murderer', 'maniac' and 'villain' was the norm. Screams and petrified faces were everywhere and accusing glares and pointing fingers he was use to. But why? Why was this kid, this kid who obviously recognized him from TV, who obviously went to MHA, why was he saying he wasn't bad? Why was he saying it so matter-of-factually? Why did this throw him off? Why did Dabi want to believe him?

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now