Zirconia Coffee Cafeteria

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Zirconia: zirconium dioxide, a white solid used in ceramic glazes and refractory coatings, and as a synthetic substitute for diamonds in jewelry. Has been given the meaning of the Stone of Practicality, Stone of Ascension, Focus, Clarity, and of Release of Ego. Those who bear it will be blessed with its abilities and gifts.

Coffee: coffee seeds raw, roasted and ground, or processed into a powder, that dissolves in hot water.




I wish cafeterias weren't so exposing.

It was strange, being alone again in such a loud and crowded place, especially since Mei was not there because of her internship, and Uult had not been sitting with Setsuna and Yosetsu for a while now. Not that he had to try; they were avoiding him much more than needed.
Whenever they did cross paths, the other two wouldn't dare to look at him, like children who know they've been caught stealing the last cookies for weeks. It was funny at the beginning. Now, it was just sad. 

It's fine. It was their choice.

Being a loner ever since he could remember, Uult had no trouble actually being alone. It showed that he was strong enough to stand by himself. Plus, all that time by himself was perfect for creativity. No one could interrupt him from his musings. Especially since he had to figure out exactly what was wrong in the Elementary School and get help in the upcoming weeks.

Finishing up his sandwich, Uult scribbled down a couple more ideas on how he could spice-up his visual timeline, before getting up to pack his things.

He didn't notice the group of seniors talking boisterously, idly approaching him. Only once Uult had slung his bag over his shoulder did he see them, but by that point, they had him surrounded. He narrowed his eyes as the leader cackled. 

"How's the internship going? You know, the one that everyone keeps talking about?"

Biting his tongue to keep back a nasty comment, Uult inhaled the nasty perfume (more like effluvium or pong) forcefully filling his bubble. When he turned away, two students blocked his path. He was trapped. An arm was slung over his neck. His hairs rose.

"I heard you got kicked out. Stole a child and are now being taken to court for assault. Is that true? Sounds so villainous, doesn't it?" The group laughed.

Now, normally Uult tried to avoid confrontations like these. People like this group of seniors were only looking to put others down to make themselves look good.


But, seeing as he couldn't leave the semi-circle, he stood his ground. He shook off the arm, leisurely. "Please let me pass. I have a class soon."

Not getting the reaction they wanted, the leader started getting irritated. "What? No answer?"

Uult looked left and right.

Where the heck is Mei when you need her?

The leader swayed to the side. Their tie was hanging slightly out of place. Uult itched. His hand twitched. He grimaced.

I need to get out.

"I just want to get to class, so please," Uult looked directly into their eyes, "move." Without waiting for an answer, Uult pushed through the barricade, almost reaching the door-

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