...to Get Hit by a Truck...

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GUYS! I just found out something AMAZING: Uult Verdas Skaala actually MEANS something!

Uult is Latin for Unite    ;   Verdas is Norweigian for Worlds, and   ;   Skaala is Finnish for Scale

In other words, to Unite the Worlds for balance on all Scales!!!!!!! I NAMED MY CHARACTER FOR WHAT HE'S SUPPOSE TO REPRESENT WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT, HOW COOL IS THAT?!??!!!!!!

Ok, bubbliness shared. You may continue ~~~~

--------------(Somewhere in the city...)-----------------

"Don't you dare-!"



"W-WHAAAAHA HA HAAAAHHH!!!" The phone flew out of Uult's hand. "Shoot, shoot, shoot, shooooooot!" 

Two near-misses. 


The device was saved from the stream of cars below. Quickly, it was pocketed. "Phew! That was clo-" Spidy senses! Uult jumped. Just in time; a fireball hit where he stood a split second ago, blackening the quartz. 'Oh god, if I hadn't-


"Tch! You clutz. About time you finished." 

Uult was hurled onto a roof by his hoodie, flailing his arms to keep his balance. "Dame you! "

Dabi landed beside him just as the crystal bridge dissipated. The villain scoffed, dodging another enraged flare before casually looking over the other end of the building, posture relaxed. "Use your feet, or I'll burn them for you." With that, Dabi jumped into the void. 

Uult rolled his shoulder, sprinting right after. 'Sure. Just like under that building some time ago. Riiiiight.' Uult jumped.

Crystals caught them both, rising up and over. After a few moments, Endeavor came into view, a small fiery spec in the distance. 

Feeling a bit at ease, Uult took a quick glace sideways, then decided against it: Dabi's face was wild, torn between somewhat of a worry, and a deep, lustful craving for revenge. (For what? Who knows.

Hopefully, the rage would last; Dabi was fending for the both of them. Uult was just running, strategically paving their way over the city lights, literally paving bridges with crystals. The brunet couldn't bring himself to attack anyone, let alone a pro hero. He would get squashed! Dabi growled in annoyance breaking Uult from his internal narration. 'Oh, he noticed.' 

Dabi's feet were trapped in stone."Do you want to die?"

"Psh, hell nah! But if I didn't take precautions, you'll kill him and drag me down with you, and I have no intention on becoming socially 'evil' just because of a misunderstanding! You, on the other hand, are pretty good at it, so I guess you could do whatever the heck you want. Just please don't do it in front of me. I don't need that in my dreams. But don't worry, I have an idea that can save us both without anyone dying!" Uult looked forward, voice hushed, "hopefully."



"You're the weirdest hero I've ever met."

"OH MY GOSH!" Dabi threw a flame at Endeavor, making fireworks mid-air. "I'm NOT a-!"

"KID!" Dabi lunged at Uult, pushing him flat on his stomach. "HEY! WHA-" A brick whooshed over their heads, followed by a trashcan. Suddenly drenched in cold, Uult dropped them to building-top level, absorbing the crystals around his limbs. The broken restraints that lay in a crumbled heap were also absorbed back into the mass. 

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now