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"Oh and....How cool is it, 
that the same One who created mountains and oceans and galaxies, 
looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too."


Description of gore, blood, forced vomiting, and mangling ahead. 

Seriously, if you are squeamish, please, please, PLEASE, don't read this part!
I'll put a warning in this chapter when it happens, just don't force yourselves. For your own sake.
Take care of yourselves first and foremost,
and please don't force yourselves to be uncomfortable for the sake of anyone, not even a story,
because your sanity and life is worth keeping.

This also goes to say, to anyone who is a child (under 16, yes, you qualify), 
I recommend you don't read this either,
just for what I am handling can be confusing for your ages, and I don't want to scar or scare anyone, regardless of how strong-minded you think you are.

--------(Start Here:)-------

"Toya, stop."


Those words echoed in Dabi's mind as he stood stock-still, trapped in clutching arms. 


"You're worth more than I can say! Don't give up now!"

That was...another unwanted memory. 

It made Dabi furious — befuddled — no, furious!— to be reminded of such things. He was boiling. He was rage! He was blue, blue, scolding blue fire

He was— 

He was—!



Desperate hollers were coming from the sidelines from behind a partially-still-standing-wall, where the two older Skaala's were. Floating islands from Fuin; energy transferring boosting them from Kiuta. They were trying. get closer, only to have no defense against the flames. 


3000 degrees Fahrenheit, Dabi's mind provided. 

Even quartz, that resists up to 150 degrees (65 Celsius), would inevitably crack. Fracture into conchoidal patterns. Uult —the unimaginable idiot! — seemed to ignore this fact with a florid dose of disassociation. 

The two eldest Skaalas were ; they were left in place, helpless but determined. Their desperation showed. 

"Dabi! You better be listening!" Kiuta threatened. "You owe me one, remember? The motorbike? You owe my brother too. He saved your life! Pay it back now and let him GO!"

Dabi growled. That stupid sibling; couldn't Kiuta see it wasn't him holding onto Uult? That is was the other way around?

"LET MY BROTHER GO!" Fuin was downright crazed-looking.

Fear. Terror. 


Dabi wanted to laugh, so he did. It strangled him; he felt the flinch on his shoulder.

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now