To Take a Forced Call is...

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Vrrrrrrrrr.  Vrrrrrrrrr. Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 

A groan was heard from the corner of the little living room. In the a black haired man rolled off the warm couch to grab the dreaded device. "Why is this crazy world is still awake at this time?" The man grumbled groggily to himself, sitting up to punching the blinding green button without looking at the screen.


"Garry Joseph Fan of  Holy Saint Butchersnitch! For the love of my sanity, please let me sleep! I told you already, I'll finish the remaining V.I.Z.A.R.D. program tomorrow morning-"

"- 'just before the dawning of Sol if you would just let me sleep for 3 consecutive hours.' Yeah, yeah, I know. Seriously, brother, you need a new line. People are starting to catch on."

"Who the-" The man glanced at his phone. "Uult?"

 "Hey Kiuta. Nice to hear you're home early for once!"

"Early? It's..." he glances at the clock, "11:58 pm! Practically tomorrow! And where are you? What did we agree on? If you're hanging out, leave. A. NOTE! It's so simple, even Chen does it, and he's 6 years younger than you, 6 years!"

"Actually, 5 and a half,"

"Uult! I've been worried sick!"

Uult scoffed at the scolding. "Not like you don't stay out longer."

"I'm 25 years old, I have a job that's keeping your asses in a house, and, I repeat, it's 11, no, 12 P. M. By this point, you're generally knocked out on the bed, homework done, and your backpack tossed at the door but you're not even near this block!"Kiuta felt like face-palming. Is this how his mother felt? Taking a calming breath, he settled on calmly asking,"Where are you?"

"I'm at the labs. The food's on the porch. I'm ok, don't worry. Just tell Fuin-" 



Kiuta jumped from his chair, hand ready on his keys. "Uult? UULT? UULT?!?" 

Tap, tap tap.*CAREFUL!* Tap, tap tap. The static dispersed.

"Hello? Hello? Kiuta?"

The man sighed in mild relief, face still taunt. "I can hear you. You ok?"

"I'm ok! I'm ok! Just tell Fuin-" *FINISH THE DAMMED CALL ALREADY, KID!* 

"One sec."  *SHUT IT! I'm here because of you, ok? So have some decency and shut up! It's not that hard to multitask!* Tap, tap tap.   "Sorry. So... yeah. I might be out a bit longer than expected-"

"No. You tell me where you are this instant! I'm coming to pick you up."

"NO! DON'T!" 

*Are you insulting me?* Shink...POW! *Omg, he can do that?* TING-TING-TINGGGRRSHWOOOOSH- PAK! *OH FLIP, HE CAN DO THAT!*


"Umm...What? Oh, we're doing... playing Wii?" 

Fsssshhhhhhh- *DUCK!* BOOM! Crash! *Get back here!* SHINK  *TRAITOR!* *Dude, a little help?* WHOOSH, SHIIIIIINKKKK~ *Argh, Mother Function!* 


"The only thing protesting right now are my knees." Uult mumbled. *Kid...* *ONE SEC!* *Focus! The bridge!* *Ok, ok! I got it!* Cough, cough. "Listen, I'll call you when I get home. Till then, don't come find me. Don't call. Don't do anything. Just, don't. Tell Jenna that I'm working overtime at the gardens on a secret mission or something. She'll make up a story for the rest. And don't turn the TV on. Promise I'll come back in one piece."


"I promise." 

"You will not-"

"One piece! Fighting!"

"Don't you dare-!" 


"Uult? UULT? Are you KIDDING ME!?!" Angered and flabbergasted, Kiuta's fingers furiously hit speed-dial. Once. Twice. Same result.

This number you are calling is unavailable at this time. The device may be out of range. To leave a message, please press 1. Thank you for  calling. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep....

Kiuta gaped at his phone, shell shocked. Never in a million years would he have guessed his younger brother, his calm, respectful, younger brother, to get into trouble and not tell him. Did he do something wrong? Had he not been home often enough, shown enough affection? Was he not seen as trustworthy anymore?

Thankfully the eldest rushed into the living room breaking the man's self-deprecating thoughts in a flurry of red face and unkempt hair. 

"KIUTA! What are you doing?" she hissed. "The kids are sleeping, do you want to wake them up? Is that it? Do you know how much time it takes to put a 5 year old, let alone the 4 other hyperactive ninjas, to bed? Do you want to be in charge of that for once?... Why do you look like someone died?" 

Kiuta simply looked up, sight misty, blurring her face slightly. "Fūin , pinch me."

"Pinch-? What are you going on about? And where is Uult? He promised me he'll bring the ingredients for the surprise. Wait, don't tell me... Is he with that pink-haired girl? I know they have a project soon but I didn't expect him to forget about this!"

The man shook his head and didn't reply. Instead, he forced his legs to the front door, literally flinging it open. He paled even more. "Fūin ..."

"Hey, hey, hey, you're acting weird. It it about Uult? Is he in trouble? Are you going to get him? Do you know where he is? Take the car if you-... What's that?"

The man couldn't even speak past the lump lodged in his throat. He was hoping it was a prank, that his brother was drunk or playing video games or was dared to make him worry. But Kiuta knew that was impossible. Uult hated liquor and games. For once, Kiuta wished his brother did. It would make this so much less frightening. 

Two innocent plastic bags were waiting nicely on the porch, laid gently in a crystal basket. As the black haired male slowly bent down to pick it up, the light caught on a few bumps in the material. Begrudgingly, he read it aloud.

I'll be back soon! Please don't come find me.~ U. V. S.

Kiuta teared up in frustration, letting the warm basket fall in the dark. 


Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now