Chapter 19

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Iskall pov

I look at Dom with pure rage.

"so you knew who took scar and you didn't tell us" I snap at him. 

Dom puts his hands up in defence "hey! I was busy getting stitched up and trying not to throw up from the sight of blood!" Dom says. 

I stare at him with a icey glare."alright so what can this......mayor Ellen do ?" I say crossing my arms.

"well...she can....tell people's deaths like taurtis girlfriend" Sam says.

"not cool man..." taurtis says.

"alright what else" I ask.

"she...well she can do a lot I really don't know....she can disappear and appear out of thin air kinda creepy" Dom says. 

I sigh and hold my head as I spin a knife. 

Not noticing ren walk in "what does she want with grian? And scar for that matter" I ask. 

"Well uh....we don't actually know" Sam says as I feel anger take me over and a slam the knife into the desk.

"great so we don't know what this crazy person wants! Perfect!" I snap. 

Dom flinches back as well as taurtis but Sam just stares at the knife.

"so what are we gonna do" I hear Ren ask. 

I look up at him then back down.

"I don't know.. cub ran off somewhere.

 Mumbo back at the h......" I begin to say as realisation struck me," I left...cub and mumbo at the hole alone.... which means" I begin to say but Ren cuts me off.

"they going after them" Ren says I nod.

"we have to get back" I say standing up.

"wait take us we could help" Sam says. 

I look at ren then them and sigh.

"fine " I say cutting the rope from Sam taurtis and Dom.

 I hand Dom a spear taurtis a gun.

 And I hand Sam a knife not noticing the fact taurtis has now distant himself from him.

"let's get a move on" I say as they follow me.

 I follow Ren back to concorp.

Mumbo pov 

"You...really think it's a good idea to jump down there" I ask.

 Cub nods.

"if we take weapons we could get them back mumbo.... " cub says I rub my neck.

"I'm not so sure about this cub...shouldn't we wait for the others" I ask cub shakes his head.

"mumbo for once be not a spoon and help me get them back. Please" cub says I sigh and nod.

"I better not regret this" I say to him as he we jump down following the stream of water.

 Cub grips the wall right before we fall down and we begin to hear talking. "

So this was your plan all along? To  get me here so you could kill me?" Grian asks mayor Ellen. 

"No grian I have no desire to kill you. You were a great guy... but I'm not saying your gonna live either. For there is someone else who does have a desire to kill you.....the watchers grian they spoke to me...they want you back...they want you dead..." mayor Ellen says beginning to sound even more crazy.

"the watchers.... they left me alone they have sent no sign for me having to leave. Or they would have done it the moment I went into the neither" grian says.

 I begin to wonder who these watchers are..."they said they wanted you that you needed to come back to yandere high But the only way they could do if you were to die here." Mayor Ellen says putting s knife to grian throat.

"what....that doesn't make any sense" grian says. 

"Oh but it does grian..." she says.

"you don't belong here! You belong back at yandere high with your friends!" Mayor says.

 "But I'm happy here! I never belonged with all of them I belong here." Grian shouts at her.

"if I may say...grian does he a master mind and quite fun frankly...and from what I heard yandere high was hell for him..." scar says I see cub tense up.

"shut up your not apart of this." Mayor Ellen shouts she begins to start talking again but cub grip loosens and we fall straight down hitting the ground hard.

"oh well well well...more of your friends" Mayor Ellen says as i begin to stand I feel a sharp pain in my back. 

"Tie them up" mayor says as I look up at the person to see...evil x...the world goes black..

a healing heart takes time. A hermitcraft fanficWhere stories live. Discover now