Chapter 17

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Grian pov

I stare at cub seeing the angry as he's stitching up Dom arm. 

I look down at Dom my heart running.

 where scar.... why isn't he in here why is cub so mad.... I don't understand...."hey cub...where's scar" I say then immediately regret  it as cub eyes begin to fill with tears and rage.

"I don't know.. I left scar to deal with this guy" he says as he tugs on Dom arm to keep him from moving it.

"then heard a scream and walked out to find scar gone and this guy there" cub says with a slight growl. 

I back up and walk out to the sence. 

Maybe I'll know who it is if I see the-."where you think your going." Iskall says crossing his arms.

i gulp "you can't go without me" iskall says smiling and rubbing my head making a mess of my hair as we walk out to the sence. 

I go down to where iskall points and see a slight blood ....between the cracks of the grass..hmm...this must have opened up here....scar must have fallen threw... "iskall can you hand me a shovel" I say as iskall grabs one and hands it.

" You know after all of this you should open a Sherlock house thing" iskall says."hmm maybe I will" I say back as I dig the ground up seeing a hole where scar fell in.

 Maybe if I fall in after I can find out where it leads. 

I doubt iskall would let me tho....maybe if I...."hey iskall go tell scar we found the hole" I say to him iskall gives me a look of untrust then walks away.

"sorry iskall but...I need to get scar back...cub gonna kill me other wise" I say to myself and jump down in the hole feeling my shirt rip abit from one of the rocks as fast rushing water taking me threw the ground seeing blood on the wall every once in awhile. 

I cough abit of blood on my hand and sigh...I keep going threw the water and then suddenly I see a big opening.

"huh?" I say out loud then notice it's a big drop with the water.

"oh no no no" I say trying not to fall down but the water takes me anyways I crash down into ground.

 I look  up feeling dizzy seeing scar on the ground with chains around his arms and legs....beaten...I try to stand but then feel a foot on my back keeping me down,"well if it isn't the littlest hermit " the voice says.

 I struggle to breath as they are pushing hard on my back."grian long time no see." Another voice says clearly female. 

I slowly lift my head.

"m-mayor Ellen?!" I say shocked at who it is.

"good to see you grian." Mayor says walking over to me and splashing a potion on me. 

I feel light headed as the world begins to spin.

"night...for now grian" the other voice says. 

I feel darkness take me and black out.

Iskall pov

Grian said to go tell cub they found where the hole is but I can't help but feel as if he was doing something else.

i think to myself as I walk to cub.

"hey cub we found the hole where scar fell in." I say he looks at me dropping Dom arm and runs out. 

I follow having mumbo keep a eye on Dom. 

I walk out and freeze"where grian." Cub asks looking around, I shake my head and knee down in front of the hole seeing abit of grian cloth.

"he...jumped in" I say.

"what!" Cub says clearly angry. 

"he went after scar" I say looking at him.

Welp....cliff hanger time and did anyone see that one coming mayor Ellen who would have known.,

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