Chapter One

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Autumn groaned as she opened her eyes, straining her neck to see where she was. She saw doctors in all white, walking around her with clipboards.

Autumn looked down at her attire. She was in a white sports bra and white pajama shorts. Both of which had the Capital insignia on it. She was in the Capital.

Autumn looked over to her side to see a small table of medical equipment. She saw a shot with a large needle on the end of it. It has some strange green liquid in it. What the liquid was, Autumn didn't care.

A doctor turned and walked over to her just as Autumn grabbed the shot in her hand and closed her eyes. Autumn held the shot close to her side, hoping the doctor wouldn't see it.

"I think we need too-" the doctor was cut off by Autumn springing into action. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up on the table, stabbing the shot into the doctor's neck.

The doctor screamed and crumbled to the floor, knocked out. Autumn assumed it was just a sedation medication but she didn't care if she killed someone of the Capital.

Autumn hopped off of the table and let another doctor come to her, punching him in the nose. She grabbed a scalpel off of one of the tables and stabbed another doctor in the throat.

Autumn grabbed onto the shoulder of the next doctor and jumped, putting all of her weight on him. She kicked both of her legs out and kicked another doctor in the stomach before landing back on her feet and taking the doctor she put her weight on into a choke hold.

Autumn saw the peacekeepers walk in, running at her. She took this moment to snap the doctor's neck, staring one of the peacekeepers straight in the eye. She let go of the dead doctor and let the peacekeepers grab her. They put her arms behind her back and walked her out of the door.

They walked her down a long hallway and stopped at the last set of double doors, opening them for her. They pushed her in, one guard holding each arm behind her back.

The office room was very large with a sitting area and an extravagant mahogany desk. Sitting at the desk was President Snow.

"She killed one doctor and disabled three others," the Peacekeeper holding onto her right arm told Snow.

President Snow looked up from his paper, inspecting the scene in front of him.

"Ah, Ms. Reeves," President Snow smiled and set his papers down. "Finally woken up, I see."

"Sir, he killed a doctor," the Peacekeeper repeated himself. Snow held up a hand to silence the Peacekeeper.

"As a victor, I expect nothing less," Snow smiled. The Peacekeeper stood up straighter, realizing that President Snow had intended Autumn to fight when she woke up.

Autumn cursed herself, mentally. She had played his little game. She had done what he expected. What he wanted. No longer.

"Leave us," President Snow waves the Peacekeepers away. They hesitated but followed orders, leaving Autumn alone in the room with President Snow. In nothing but shorts and a sports bra.

"I am sorry I am not more dressed up," Autumn mocked him. He smiled and let out a small chuckle, finding Autumn amusing.

"Sit," he commanded. Autumn obeyed, sitting in a chair in front do his desk. "Ms. Reeves, I will make this plain and simple. I do not want to hurt you."

"Well thanks-" Autumn began.

"Uh, I wasn't finished," Snow cut her off. Autumn closed her mouth. "I like you. You've obeyed. You haven't caused me any problems. I do not want to hurt you, but you have to cooperate."

"Please define your use of the word cooperate," Autumn asked.

"The citizens in District Thirteen are using Ms. Everdeen as a symbol of rebellion," Snow explained. "I want you to be my symbol of peace. You will be compliant. You will film propaganda, along with Peeta, telling the rebels to stop fighting. You will do what I tell you."

"And if I don't want to?" Autumn asked. Snow's face hardened.

"Then you will watch Johanna Mason and Peeta Mellark being tortured and you will be tortured yourself," Snow told her. "You will become an example of not peace but what happens when you refuse peace."

"I think you're confusing peace with chaos," Autumn narrowed her eyes. Snow's lip twitched upward into a poisonous smile.

"So you refuse then?" Snow asked.

"Will Peeta and Johanna be given the same option?" Autumn asked him.

"Yes and no," Snow nodded. "Peeta Mellark is bound to be punished for what his wife does, but he can avoid further punishment. Johanna has already refused my offer and she has suffered for it."

"Then bring me to Johanna," Autumn smiled. President Snow sighed, shaking his head.

"You will regret that, Ms. Reeves," Snow spoke. "You will still support me, it may just be a little harder now."

"I will never support you," Autumn smiled, standing up and walking to the door. She greeted the Peacekeepers outside of the door by holding her arms out for them to take.

"Oh, you will, Ms. Reeves," Snow spoke, watching her walk out of the door. "You will."

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