Chapter Sixteen

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She walked into Beetee's place of work, unsure what to call the area. Autumn would consider it a weapons vault of sorts, although there were more deconstructed weapons laid out on the tables rather than useable ones.

She found Beetee hard at work, his glasses on his face and a light shining down towards his hands as he fiddled with something over one of the many metal tables.

Autumn walked around him and his wheel chair to see he was working on putting together and arrow, one Autumn assumed was for Katniss.

Beetee looked up at the small girl and smiled as she stood in front of him, fairly confused as to why he had called her in to see him.

"Autumn!" He smiled. "Perfect. I wanted to show you something I was working on." He then rolled away from the arrow, leading Autumn to a different table.

He brought Autumn to a table at the far wall, wheeling up to it and spinning around to face her. Autumn's eyes darted across the table, scanning over the beautiful weapons that lay there.

Beetee picked up a spear, handing it to Autumn. She smiled at the weapon, stepping away from the table and spinning it around in her hands.

It was light weight, but still heavy enough to make it hit a target when thrown. The sharp spearhead was large and iron. The object looked deadly, striking fear into anyone who came face to face with it.

"It's beautiful, Beetee," Autumn beamed.

"Yes," Beetee nodded. "And it will strap to the back of your armor."

"Armor?" Autumn raised her eyebrows.

Beetee sighed, nodding. "We are going to war, Autumn. And you may have to be a soldier."

"I won't fight for Coin," Autumn spoke, sighing. "But I will fight with Katniss."

Beetee gave Autumn a small smile, admiring the girl's loyalty and ability to judge good character.

"Follow me," he spoke, leading her over to one more table. Autumn set the spear down on the table and followed Beetee.

She arrived in front of a similar looking table, but this one had an array of knives laying across the smooth silver surface.

Most of them were throwing knives with a few larger daggers thrown into the mix. The daggers all had normal handles without a color on them, but the throwing knives were separated by the color on the handle. There were normal handles and then there were throwing knives with red or yellow striped bands across the handle.

Autumn picked a yellow one up, looking at Beetee. "The regular colored handles are just regular throwing knives. The yellow-" he nodded at the knife in Autumn's hands. "-burst into flames when it hits its target. And the red ones explode. I wouldn't recommend throwing those inside."

Autumn smiled, nodding. She walked away from the table with the yellow throwing knife in hand, walking over to the archery range.

She stood in front of one of the colored targets, holding her life up by her ear in her right hand while she put her left arm out, using it to aim. Autumn took a long breath in and let it out, throwing her arm forward and flicking her wrist so that the knife flew through the air, hitting the middle of the target. The target and the knife burst into flames, causing Autumn to jump a bit in surprise.

Her eyes went wide in shock as she began to laugh a bit in surprise and excitement. She went back over too Beetee, looking like a child on Christmas. Autumn forgot how much she loved throwing.

"That was amazing Beetee," she smiled.

The man shrugged. "You're the one who threw it."

"Thank you," Autumn smiled. "I just hope I'll never have to use them." Autumn ran her hand over the beautiful blades, falling deep into thought.

"Autumn, we both know that war is upon us," Beetee spoke. "But are you in the right mindset to fight? You survived two games and torture from the Capital. We both know your mind has been unhinged for a while."

Autumn looked over at Beetee, giving him a smile within a sigh. "I appreciate your honesty, Beetee," she began. "And trust me, I have thought of these things too. But every night when I went to sleep while I was in the Capital, my eyes closed and I saw my worst fears. I was back in my first games, drowning. I was holding Tyson dead in my arms. Peter invaded my nightmares and it seemed like no one could save me. Until I was taken from the Capital and I was reunited with Finnick. Ever since then, I have been able to sleep." Autumn paused to take in Beetee's look of confusion. She explained. "I know Finnick will fight in this war and if I don't and he dies, I will never forgive myself because I wasn't there to save him. He is the only thing I have left. He's been the only person I've loved for a long time and I know that if he dies, my nightmares will consume me."

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! I just wanted to remind you to please go vote for the awards on the account WolfMorgan . This series is actually on there and eligible for an award, but (as a judge of the other books) I would love to see some voters! Thank you!


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