Chapter Five

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"Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever," President Snow signed off of the live propaganda video.

Johanna growled once the red light on the camera turned off. The production crew got right to work, changing the room.

They took down the white backdrop and they rolled the throne away, replacing it all with a chair across from another chair. It looked like a talk show, which is probably what it was.

As if things couldn't get any weirder, Caesar Flickerman walked into the room. Autumn rubbed her eyes, flinching when she pressed on a forgotten bruise. A makeup artist ran up to Autumn and applied more makeup on her injuries.

Caesar looked over at Autumn, watching as her bruises were covered up once again. Autumn glanced his way to see a hint of a frown, but it was replaced with a smile when President Snow walked up to him, handing him some note cards.

"You will go first," A Peacekeeper told Autumn, directing her to the chair. Autumn nodded, letting the Peacekeeper leave her. For a second, nobody was watching her.

Autumn walked over to the makeup area where she found a small pack of makeup wipes. Autumn tried to hide her smirk as she hit an idea, taking one of the wipes and hiding it within the folds of her dress.

"Autumn, we're on in a minute," one of the people from the crew spoke. Autumn sat down across from Caesar, the frown now a distant memory.

"Three, two," the camera man counted down before mouthing the word 'one' and pointing at Caesar.

Caesar's normal smiling face has long ago vanished and he now stared at the camera intently.

"Hello ladies and gentleman, I am Caesar Flickerman," Caesar greeted the people watching. "I am joined here today with the District Four victor, Autumn Reeves." The camera turned and focused on Autumn before panning out so both Caesar and Autumn were in he shot. "Autumn, how have you been?"

"As good as I can be," Autumn answered, truthfully.

"How have you been holding up sing the news of Mags Flanagan's death?" Caesar asked.

The floor seemed to fall out from under Autumn as she stared at Caesar in disbelief. Mags, one of Autumn's only friends, was dead? Were they just trying to get in her head? Or was it the truth.

"W-what?" Autumn asked. "I don't think I heard you right."

"How have you been since Mags Flanagan's death?" Caesar repeated himself.

"I-I was not aware of this," Autumn spoke carefully. A tear dropped down her cheek. She brushed it away, quickly. "When did this happen?"

"About a month and two weeks ago," Caeser told her. Autumn just nodded, forcing the rest of the tears to stay in her eyes.

"Have you been in contact with any past victors staying in District Thirteen?" Caesar asked.

"No," Autumn shook her head. "I have not."

"Do you have anything to say to the Districts or the rebels?" Caesar asked.

This was a dangerous question with a lot of dangerous answers. Autumn had to talk to the rebels. She had to tell the Districts what was really going on. She just had too.

"Autumn?" Caesar asked. Autumn looked back at Caesar.

"Sorry, I was just thinking," Autumn told him.

Autumn looked behind the camera at the man holding up large cue cards with suggestions on what to say. The card said something along the lines of 'the rebels are destroying our way of life and must be stopped.'

Autumn looked over to her right to see Johanna and Peeta staring at her, a Peacekeeper holding a gun to their sides. Peeta looked scared while Johanna had daring eyes.

"Do it," Johanna mouthed with a nod, smiling. Autumn let out a shaky breath before turning her head back to Caesar.

Autumn took the makeup wipe in her hand, wiping the concealer from her face, quickly. Autumn wasn't sure if the bruises were visible or not, but she didn't care. She did what she could and she had to speak.

"I am Autumn Reeves, District Four victor," Autumn spoke rushed, watching as Peacekeepers began advancing towards her. "I am being held in the Capital with Peeta Mellark and Johanna Mason." Autumn looked around quickly, gripping onto the chair as the Peacekeepers began to pull her out of her chair. She fought against them, keeping the her face in the camera shot. "We are being tortured daily! Trust the rebels! Trust Katniss Everdeen!" Autumn yelled. Autumn's arms were grabbed as she was dragged from the chair. "Finnick, I love you!" Autumn yelled before she was dragged out of the room.

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