Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The party began almost instantly after the ceremony ended. The District Thirteen crowd took away the chairs, clearing floor space for dancing around the large tree in the beautiful greenhouse. The band began to play music and everyone there began to dance with Autumn and Finnick in the center of it all.

Autumn was normally anxious when in crowds, but Finnick told her to keep her eyes on him. Looking at only him and nothing else pushed every bit anxiety she had out of her body.

They held their hands up to each other in the air, spinning in a circle to the fast pace music. Couples around them joined in the dance, everyone dancing in their own way. Finnick lifted Autumn's hand above their heads and spun her into his chest, causing both of them to laugh as Finnick fumbled the footsteps.

They danced with each other, in the middle of the crowd, for more songs than Autumn realized. She only left this love focused gaze when a familiar tune from District Twelve began to play.

Autumn looked around the outside of the crowd, noticing five bodies in one of the corners where chairs from the ceremony still remained. Autumn could see the familiar blonde hair, even from the middle of the crowd.

"Go dance with Katniss," Autumn suggested to Finnick with a smile. I'm going to ask Peeta to dance."

Before Autumn had a chance to walk away, Finnick held her back by her wrist. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked her, his eyes looking concerned with his eyebrows creased together.

Autumn simply nodded and smiled. "It will be okay, Finn," she spoke, softly, kissing him before turning and walking away.

Autumn glided towards Peeta, ignoring the concerned looks she got as she stopped in front of him. There were four guards surrounding Peeta where he sat, two in the front and two in the back. The two in the front stepped to the side, letting Autumn through. At the sight of his friend, Peeta stood up.

He was dressed rather nicely. He wore normal District Thirteen clothes, but they looked much more formal, compared to the hospital clothes. His hair was not in its usual disarray and he simply looked happier than in the psych ward.

He smiled at Autumn as she stood in front of him, waiting to hear what she had to say. "You clean up nicely, Pete," Autumn smiled, messing up his hair slightly.

Something seemed to flash in his eyes at hearing his nickname Autumn had given him. It seemed to bring back a memory. Autumn hoped he recalled being in the arena with her as she hadn't called him that since the last Hunger Games.

"Thank you, Autumn," he spoke, raising his hands to his hair, which were chained together at his wrists. He patted his blonde locks down a bit. "You look beautiful."

"Would you like to dance with me?" Autumn smiled at him. Both Autumn and Peeta could see the guards tense beside them.

"I would love too, but I don't think that's a good idea," Peeta spoke, glancing at the guards.

"I don't think you're allowed to say no to the bride," Autumn smiled. "You don't mind, do you, boys?" The guards looked at her, staying silent before shaking their heads. "Wonderful."

Autumn took the keys from one of the guard's hands, unlocking Peeta's wrists from the metal cuffs. The guards seemed even more worried, but Autumn ignored them as she took Peeta's hand and lead him to the dance floor.

"Are you sure I can be here without hand cuffs?" Peeta asked, watching as Autumn took his hands and placed them lightly above her hips. She then placed her hands on his shoulders.

"I'm not sure of anything, Pete," Autumn spoke. "But I have faith in you. Trust me, because I trust you." Peeta hesitated, but slowly began to nod. "Do you know this song?"

Peeta was silent for a second, listening to the music. Slowly, a smile spread upon his face and he began to nod. "It's from District Twelve."

"I do not know the dance," Autumn spoke. "Would you mind leading?" Peeta smiled wider and nodded, pulling Autumn into the inner circle of the dance floor. They began to move at a fast pace, spinning around with the rest of the dancing partners.

Autumn smiled as she watched Peeta lead her through the dance of his home. He looked so happy to remember something happy of his District. He looked happy to be the one in control for once, even if it was in control of such a small thing as a dance.

The truth was, Autumn knew the dance. She knew it very well, in fact. While the song and dance originated from District Twelve, it was very popular all over Panem. But Autumn understood what it felt like to not have control over ones self. She understood how hopeless and weak it makes a person feel. So, if Autumn could give Peeta the feeling of control over his mind back, even just a little, she was happy.

Author's Note:

I need your help.

As we all know, this series will be coming to a close fairly soon. And I need your opinions and input.

I have been considering adding one more book to this series. A prequel, of sorts. It would take place between the 70th and the 75th Hunger Games (between the books 'When We Drown' and 'When We Burn.' This book would include Autumn's victory tour. It would also follow Autumn and Finnick as mentors and them living after the games. And it would follow their love story and give more background into their relationship. This book would also include a brand new character...

Now, what I need from you guys is to know if you want this to happen. Please comment on this chapter, telling me if you would like me to simply end the series with this book (When We Fall), or if you would like that prequel to be written after this book finishes. The more comments I get encouraging the book, the more likely I am to write it. So, please, let me know if you guys would like to read that book! I will let you know by the end of this book if that prequel will be coming out.

Thank you for all of your support and please comment!

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