Chapter Twenty-Two

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At the sound of the buzzer, Autumn pushed the door to the hospital room open. Peeta's head lifted at the sound, his eyes meeting Autumn's. He gave her a small smile as she seemed to be the only one he trusted in District Thirteen.

Peeta's smile fell when Katniss walked into the room. Katniss kept her eyes down, only glancing up at Peeta periodically.

It was very clear to Autumn that Katniss did not want to be here. Autumn understood and wished her friend hadn't been forced into this. If it were Finnick lying in that bed, seeing the person he once loved as an enemy, Autumn wouldn't want to be there either.

"How are you feeling, Peeta?" Autumn asked him, sitting in the edge of his bed. Peeta watched Autumn as she sat comfortably near him. Autumn could tell that this simple action meant a lot to Peeta. No one except his doctors got that close to him for fear they'd be hurt.

"I've been better," Peeta spoke. Autumn nodded, looking over at Katniss and waving her over. Katniss kept her feet planted multiple feet away from the bed. Her eyes showed nothing but fear and they never left Peeta.

"I watched you die," Peeta spoke, slightly confused. Autumn wished the doctors hadn't shown him the footage from District Two. It was only more weight to his already fragile mind. "You look terrible."

"You've looked better," Katniss spoke with her sharp tongue.

Peeta scoffed. "You're not even remotely nice to say that too me now."

"I was never the nice one," Katniss spoke with a tight throat. She looked like she was on the verge of tears. "You were."

"When I saw you die, I remembered something," Peeta spoke, glancing down at the floor. He looked to Autumn, as if asking her permission to continue. Autumn nodded. "About the bread. I remembered you in the rain. And I burned it on purpose. To give to you. I remember my mom hitting me because I was supposed to give the bread to the pig."

Autumn knew this story. After Autumn was rescued from the Capital, she would often get visits from Katniss or Autumn would get visits from her. After Katniss got shot, Autumn told her that Peeta was doing better when visiting. That was when Katniss told Autumn this story.

"That was the first we'd eaten in days," Katniss spoke.

"Why would I take a beating like that for you?" Peeta asked her.

Tears now welled up in Katniss's eyes. "Because you were kind and generous. And people said you loved me."

"Did people say you loved me?" He asked.

Katniss nodded, slightly. "That's why Snow torturer you. To hurt me."

"Snow says that everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie," Peeta spat. "All I know is that I would've saved myself a lot of trouble if I had given that bread to the pig."

Katniss looked at Peeta for another second before turning and leaving the room quickly. Autumn stood up, trying to stop her before she left, but it was too late.

Autumn turned back around to look at Peeta. She sighed, sitting back down on the medical bed, this time closer to Peeta.

"What do you remember about me?" Autumn asked him.

He looked at her for a moment, thinking. "I saw you in the arena. We were near each other when the Capital picked us up. I remember seeing your operation. The Capital saved your life."

Autumn shook her head. "I didn't have an operation, Peeta."

"You did," Peeta nodded. "I heard your screams. They couldn't sedate you because your life was on the line and there wasn't enough time."

Autumn bit her lip. "The screaming was from the torture. We were tortured in the same room together," Autumn explained.

Peeta stared at her for another moment. He wasn't sure if it was her calming voice or the trustworthiness in her eyes, but Peeta believed Autumn. Or, at least, he wanted to believe her.

"You trust me, don't you?" Autumn asked.

Peeta nodded. "You're the only one."

Autumn let out a breath, wondering if what she was going to say next was a good idea. "I'm getting married to Finnick, Peeta," Autumn spoke. His eyebrows lifted. "I know you don't trust him or Katniss, but if you trust me, I'd like you to be there."

A small smile broke out on Peeta's face. Peeta knew that these were confusing times and he couldn't trust anyone, but for some reason, he trusted her. Peeta has considered Autumn as his only ally. But now, he considers her as his only friend.

Peeta began to nod. "Would they really let me out?"

"I still have to discuss that with them," Autumn spoke. "It won't be pretty. You may have to wear handcuffs, you'll get dirty looks, and there will be guards with you at all times, but I want you to celebrate with me."

"If you can make it happen-" Peeta smiled. A real smile. "I'll be there."

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