Chapter Twenty-Five

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Autumn was woken abruptly to the sound of knocking on the door. She groaned, sitting up in bed carefully as to not disturb Finnick who continued to sleep soundly beside her.

Autumn slid off the bed, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles. She shuffled over to the door, drowsiness still holding onto her body.

She unlocked the door and swung it open, her groggy state sobering up immediately as Effie Trinket entered the room. Her joyful shriek awoke Finnick. He sat up in the bed abruptly, seeming panicked until his eyes fell upon Autumn, a confused expression etched on her face.

"Mr Odair!" Effie gasped. "You're still in bed?" She lightly smacked him on the right cheek. "How shameful! It's your wedding day!"

Katniss walked up behind Autumn, laying a hand on her shoulder. Autumn turned towards Katniss, surprised when the girl's arms wrapped around the bride.

"I am so sorry," Katniss whispered into Autumn's ear. "I couldn't hold her off."

Johanna walked into the room, her arms crossed. She looked as unimpressed as normal, but their was slight joy behind her cold eyes.

"Okay, Mr. Odair," Effie walked you the other side of the room, turning and facing the group. Finnick, still confused, walked over to Autumn and wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her cheek before turning his attention to Effie. "You will go to Haymitch, Beetee, and Gale. Beetee is in charge and they should know exactly what to do. Do not let Gale or Haymitch interviene."

"Okay-" Finnick was cut off.

"And Autumn, you're coming with us," Effie spoke, heading for the door. "You won't get to see Finnick till tonight so say your goodbyes!"

Effie, Katniss, and Johanna walked out of the room. Autumn turned towards Finnick, facing him. They both looked at each other slightly confused. Autumn laughed at Finnick's expression as he watched Effie walk out the door.

Finnick wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging Autumn close to him. He pressed his lips to the top of her head.

"I'll see you tonight," he mumbled, unwilling to let her go.

Effie rushes back into the room, grabbing Autumn's arms and tearing it away from around Finnick. "Time is ticking!" Effie spoke, taking Autumn away. She placed her hands on Autumn's shoulders, pushing her towards the door.

Autumn looked over her shoulder at Finnick for a final glance. "I love you!" Autumn yelled at him as she was pushed out of the door.

"I love you too!" Finnick's voice echoed out of the room, following Autumn as she was ushered away.

She had no idea if Finnick would be treated the same way. She did not believe Haymitch or Gale would be of much help, so Autumn assumes that the preparation would fall upon Beetee's and Finnick's shoulders.

Autumn was surprised to be escorted into the production room where District Thirteen filmed all of their propaganda. Katniss knew this room very well and she didn't seem to like being in it, but her attitude was different due to the day's celebrations.

Autumn was sat down in a chair and Effie began on her makeup. Katniss stood off to the side while Johanna leaned against the counter, giving Effie advice on Autumn's makeup every so often. Johanna wished Effie would use some darker colors.

Once the makeup was close to done, the door opened to reveal Katniss's mom and sister, Prim, walking into the room. Autumn stood up, abruptly, much to the dismay of Effie who was not done with Autumn's eyeshadow.

Autumn walked over to the two girls alongside Katniss. She had not yet been properly introduced to Katniss's family, and she wished to meet her sister more than anything.

"Hello, I'm Autumn," she introduced herself, hugging both of the girls. The mother seemed surprised, but Prim accepted the hug, happily. Autumn was not one to hug strangers often, but she wished to befriend Katniss's family and learn more about the Movkingjay's background. Autumn wished to be a true friend to Katniss.

"I'm happy we get to finally meet you," Katniss's mother spoke. "Katniss has told us much about you."

"I hope they've all been good things," Autumn smiled.

"Mostly," Katniss spoke so sarcastically that Autumn wasn't sure if it was truly a joke.

Autumn turned her head to lay her eyes on Prim. She had been excited to meet the young girl. Autumn remembered watching the Reaping with her seventy fourth Hunger Games tributes. She remembered seeing Katniss volunteer for her sister. Prim looked so much older now than she had a year ago. Sadly, youth and innocence is a luxury no one can afford in war.

"You look beautiful," Prim spoke, sweetly.

"As do you," Autumn smiled at the girl. Her hair was beaded beautifully. The youth in Prim's eyes seemed to blend together. The innocent look in her face was one Autumn had seen before. Without thinking, she spoke. "You remind me of some one I know." Autumn regretted it as soon as the words left her mouth.

"Who?" Primrose asked. Autumn swallowed, mustering a smile.

"His name was Tyson," Autumn responded, Effie grabbing her shoulders and leading her back over to the chair in front of the mirror to finish the makeup. Prim showed up beside Autumn. They looked at each other in the mirror. "He was my friend."

"I know," Prim spoke. A moment fo silence passed as Prim placed her hand on Autumn's shoulder. "I remember watching your Hunger Games."


Author's Note:

You guys are relentless when begging for a new chapter! It's been a while, but here you go. I hope to update again this week!

They'll be going into the Capital soon!
Any predictions as to what will happen? I'd love to hear them!

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