Chapter Twenty-Six

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Autumn stood behind two thin sheets that had been hung from the ceiling, acting as curtains. Effie was watching her closely, making sure the girl did not peak her head out and look at the crowd.

Autumn stood in the back, the only thing separating her from the wedding isle being the sheets. Katniss and Johanna stood with her. They would be the closest thing Autumn had to bridesmaids. Both of them refused to wear a dress, which Autumn didn't mind, but Effie scolded them for. Both Katniss and Johanna wore regular District Thirteen clothing.

Autumn glanced back and forth between Johanna and Katniss, giving them each small smiles as a thank you. Autumn knew how much trauma Johanna was still dealing with from the Capital. It meant a lot to Autumn and Finnick that she would be present for the ceremony.

Judging by the echo of the voices chattering from behind the curtain, Autumn believed half of District Thirteen seemed to be invited.

Effie handed Autumn a bouquet of blue flowers, orchids, Autumn believed. Effie then peaked her head out from behind the curtain, signaling to the musicians to begin playing the march.

"Places!" Effie chimed. Primrose stood in front, a basket of flower petals in hand. Autumn had asked her to be the flower girl last minute, which Prim happily accepted. Effie was next in line. While Effie has no official title in place amongst Autumn's entourage, she had planned the entire wedding. Next was Johanna, then Katniss, and finally, Autumn.

Autumn took a deep breath, watching as Prim disappeared on the other side of the curtain. Slowly, each one of her friends stepped out. She was nervous as nothing in her life had prepared her for how to act in this moment, but that was simply the best part. Autumn didn't need a fancy wedding where everything went exactly as planned. All she needed was a few close friends and Finnick.

She stepped out from behind the curtain, every single person in the room standing, with their eyes on her.

Autumn's assumptions were correct. Half of the District was present, standing silently and watching the bride as she walked down the isle. Most of the people that surrounded her, Autumn didn't know the names of. But it did not matter to her. Her closest friends and the love of her life stood before her.

Autumn tore her eyes away from the strangers, looking to the front of the isle where Finnick stood in front of the wedding officiator.

Autumn could see a tear escape Finnick's eyes, but he quickly wiped it away and smiled at her. He wore gray, the color of District Thirteen. Everything that surrounded them reminded the pair of where they were, but looking at each other's faces, both Finnick and Autumn easily forgot. They felt like they were back in District Four, together. Looking at each other, they felt at home.

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