Chapter Seven

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Finnick turned to look at Katniss, horror shining in his eyes. He gripped the necklace and ring in his hand, squeezing it hard enough to make an imprint. Tears stained his cheeks and flowed freely down his face.

"They're going to beat her!" Finnick panicked. "They're going to punish her because she warned the Districts!"

"Your girlfriend is very brave, Mr. Odair," a voice said from the door of the production room. Everyone turned their heads to see an older woman standing in the doorway with silver hair.

"Who the hell are you?" Finnick spat, watching the woman walk towards him.

"Alma Coin," she smiled, unaffected by Finnick's hostility. "President of District Thirteen."

"What are you doing here?" Katniss asked her, walking up and standing next to Finnick.

"I wanted to see the message," Coin told them. She seemed so calm. "And I wanted to see the girl who had sparked more rebellion."

"What are you taking about?" Katniss asked.

Coin brushed past Katniss and Finnick, walking closer to the screen. She stared at the paused picture of Autumn. The video was paused right before Autumn was dragged away, when she told Finnick she loved him.

"This video was live three days ago," Coin told the two. Finnick looked at Katniss, who looked just as surprised as he did.

"And you just now let us see it?" Finnick asked with fury.

Coin turned back around and faced them with a soft smile. She nodded.

"You weren't emotionally stable," Coin argued.

"I'm no more emotionally stable today than I was three days ago!" Finnick yelled, advancing towards Coin. She seemed unaffected by Finnick's threats.

"Regardless," Coin walked away from Finnick. "She has sparked even more rebellion."

"How much rebellion?" Katniss asked. Coin nodded towards Beetee. A second later, images and videos of riots and fires were on the screen.

A video played showing bon fires in the streets. The rioters burned a flag with the Capital insignia on it. They fought Peacekeepers. They screamed Autumn's name.

"District Four has officially joined because of her," Coin spoke, more videos flickering across the screen. "District Seven has been having many riots as well. Along with District Five."

"Oh my god," Finnick mumbled, unable to believe his eyes.

He had finally realized why Autumn risked beatings to send that message. She wanted the Districts to fight. She wanted to tell the Rebellion that she and the other victors wouldn't stop fighting either.

"You need to get her out," Finnick turned abruptly and faced Coin, his eyes burning.

"I cannot do that, Odair," Coin told him. Finnick clenched his jaw.

"She just began your biggest weapon!" Finnick waved his hand towards the screen. "A rebel inside the Capital!"

"Yes, but that was her decision," Coin told him.

"You think taking a beating was her decision?" Finnick yelled at her.

"No, but sending that message was," Coin argued.

"And an entire District just joined you because of it!" Finnick glared at Coin. She simply smiled at him.

"I'm sorry Mr. Odair, but I can do nothing for her," Coin shock her head. Finnick stared her down for a second, a growl rising from his throat. He glanced at Katniss before turning away from Coin and storming out of the room.


Autumn kept screaming until she was dragged out of the room. Instead of heading back down to her cell, she was taken to the torture room.

Tears seeped from Autumn's eyes as the lashes began to come down upon her skin. But it was worth it.

She told the Districts what was really happening within the walls of Snow's mansion. The Capital adored her. Maybe even Capital citizens would riot.

It couldn't all be for nothing. If this didn't fuel any rebellion, at least she still got to tell Finnick she loved him. Maybe for the last time.

Autumn often dreamed of Finnick at night. Some of the dreams were dreams and some of them were nightmares.

She felt the lashes upon her back stop, hot blood seeping down over her skin, probably staining the fabric of the white dress.

The Peacekeepers picked her up by her arms, dragging her knees across the floor of the room.

They dragged her to her least favorite device in the room. She wasn't sure exactly what they called it, but she decided it was so horrendous that it didn't need a name.

It was like a nightmare but a million times worse. The Peacekeepers would inject the victors with tracker jacker venom and then hook them up to the machine. The machine would make visions appear in their head, sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Autumn sat back in the chair, feeling the venom seep out of the needle and into her veins.

Autumn closed her eyes, watching the horrific images unfold before her.

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