Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The hovercraft lowered to the ground, the pilot turning it off and lowering the ramp onto the sand. Autumn and Finnick stood, hand in hand, staring at the ground of their home district.

"We will come back for you, tomorrow," one of the District Thirteen guards told the two of them. "If you get into any trouble, contact Beetee over your radios." They nodded, pulling their hoods over the top of their heads and walking off of the hovercraft.

The familiar smell of salt water hung in the air, instantly putting both Autumn and Finnick at peace.

"You know, I never planned that this was what our honeymoon would be like," Finnick spoke as they watched the hovercraft lift up off the ground and fly away. Autumn looked over at Finnick, suddenly nervous that he didn't want to be there. It had been her idea to return to District Four for at least one night. He looked at Autumn, seeing her nervousness on her face. Finnick took her hand in his, holding it up and placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. "But it's perfect," he smiled at her.

They couldn't risk walking through the busiest part of District Four, so they would have to go the long way around to get to Victor's Village. They didn't mind, though, as they got to spend their first real moments alone together since entering the arena. It felt like the seventy fifth hunger games was a lifetime ago.

They walked hand in hand, recalling memories of their childhoods on this same beach. Finnick teased Autumn about the time they had rebelliously decided to go skinny dipping late at night, even though that was not permitted in District Four. That was one of Autumn's favorite memories.

They turned off of the beach and began walking through a small grove of trees, which was the closest thing that they had to a forest in this part of District Four.

Finnick was recalling the memory of when they were mentors and had a small dance party with their tributes in the living room of their level in the training center, when Autumn stopped walking.

Finnick stopped with her, cutting himself off as he followed her eyes. They were trained on a dirt path that ran off to the left, through the trees.

"Autumn?" He asked her, not understand what she saw.

"I know this path," she whispered, taking her hand from Finnick and walking down the small path. It was less of a path than a narrow trail marked by random stones. No one would think it lead to anything unless you knew the trail, which Autumn did.

Autumn and Finnick broke through the tree line to see the base of an old house sitting atop a hill, a small and secluded area of the beach sitting a few yards in front of it.

Autumn stopped at the tree line, her lips parted in surprise and her eyes wide. Finnick knew what this place was. It was Autumn's old home, before the games. The wooden house had been burned down to nothing but it's floor.

Autumn rushed forward, running up the hill and to the skeleton of her family home. "Autumn, wait," Finnick spoke, following her. She stepped over the cobblestone base, standing on top of the charred remains.

"I'm sorry, Autumn," Finnick spoke, stepping in behind her. "It must'be been an accident."

Autumn let out a shaky breath, shaking her head as her eye was caught on something. Autumn stepped carefully through the debris of the burnt wood.

She remembered every square foot, knowing where each piece of furniture had sat simply based on the outline of the rooms.

Autumn had still owned this house when she won the games, but rarely ever visited as it was much too painful. She did not wish for the ghosts of her family to see what she had become. A murderer.

Autumn entered what was once her father's study, where he worked for hours day and night. He would sit at his mahogany desk with glasses propped up on the edge of his nose, writing in his books about all of his findings. He would write about the soil of District Four, the water, the plants he grew in the back yard, and the curious animals that seemed to inhabit the beach and the trees.

Autumn never knew why he did this or what his job title truly was, but Autumn's mother always seemed to admire her husband's work.

In the middle of the study, sitting atop charred remains of the mahogany desk, was a white rose. It was cleanly cut and very specifically placed.

Autumn knew that she would've heard about the fire if this had taken place while she and Finnick were still living in District Four. It was her house, after all. But, no. The house had been recently burned, just based on the fact that it wasn't very worn besides from the fire. President Snow knew she would return at some point.

This was a message to Autumn, reminding her that, even though she could be distracted by happiness, her life had no place for love. They were starting a war, however. Autumn simply worried who would be the next to burn.

Author's Note:

Hello, everyone! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I have had major writers block, but I'm back. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I have loved reading your feedback on a possible prequel book. I will give you all more info soon.

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