Chapter Fourteen

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A knock on the door surprised both Autumn and Finnick. It surprised Autumn even more to see Katniss standing on the other side of the door.

It hadn't been long since Peeta had tried to strangle her. Autumn expected that she'd still be asleep, or sleeping as much as she could. But Katniss didn't seem like she was there to talk as she ran forward and grabbed Autumn in a hug, tears in her eyes. Autumn hugged her back, surprised.

Autumn had visited Katniss a few times while she was healing, but Katniss was asleep half the time and mute the other half.

"Sorry," Katniss whispered, letting go after a long moment, wiping her eyes. Katniss has missed Autumn a lot while she was in the Capitol. They weren't just allies, they were friends.

"Coin wants to see us," Katniss told the couple once she let go of Autumn. "She's holding a meeting. I'm not sure what about."

Autumn nodded, taking Finnick's hand in her own as they followed Katniss out of the room.

Autumn held onto Finnick's arm as they walked, a habit Autumn had developed since she arrived in District Thirteen. Holding on to his arm made her closer to him, which made her feel safer and less vulnerable. Finnick didn't mind. He liked the feeling of Autumn close to his side.

They walked down the long hall and into the conference room Finnick recognized as the same room they had the meeting about saving the Victors from the Capitol three weeks ago.

Inside the room, sitting around the table, were relatively the same. Coin sat in the middle with Boggs, Beetee, Haymitch, Plutarch, and a few other officials Finnick didn't recognize.

"Hello Ms. Reeves we would like to talk to you," Coin spoke. Autumn stared at the woman, confusion on her face.

"About what?"

Coin took in a breath before folding her hands on the table in front of her. She seemed uncomfortable, but had no regret for what she was about to say.

"We want to know exactly what you went through while in the Capital," Coin spoke.

The room fell silent as all eyes were on Autumn, including Finnick's. Autumn tensed, squeezing Finnick's hand on her own.

"You saw the videos," Autumn argued with Coin.

"Yes, but we still don't know to the extent of what happened to you," Plutarch told Autumn.

"Please, Autumn," Katniss spoke from her seat next to Plutarch. "This could help us understand what happened to Peeta."

Autumn sighed, clenching her jaw and taking a seat reluctantly. Autumn sat down in her seat with one hand in her lap and the other still holding onto Finnick's.

"What do you want to know?" Autumn asked.

"How did Snow torture you?" Coin asked.

Aunt swallowed. "Snow really liked to use the tracker jacker venom, just like how he hijacked Peeta. These people would give Johanna, Peeta, or I the venom then show us pictures of our home. They would show us our families or districts and manipulate them. In Peeta's case, Snow made him believe Katniss was evil. In my case-" Autumn cut herself off and looked at Finnick. "-they made it seem like Finnick abandoned me. They would strap us to a chair and put images in our head. They created false memories. Memories of Finnick abandoning me and leaving me to die in the arena. Images of Katniss trying to kill us all. It felt so real..."

Autumn looked at her hand in Finnicks before looking back up at the table. Everyone looked solemn, but their eyes also urged Autumn to continue on.

"They would strap us down in chairs, all three of us in a circle," Autumn continued. "They would then give us questions, testing our allegiance. If the answer wasn't to their satisfaction, one of the other two would be punished." She paused before continuing. "We were all kept in cells next to one another, until we were moved to the training center. We would hear each other's screams every night...ever night..."

Autumn felt tears prick the side of her eyes. She looked up from her stare on the wooden table. Everyone stared at her as if she was a broken vase in need of fixing. And Autumn hated it.

She shoved her chair away from the table as she stood, surprising Finnick as her hand left hers. "I'm sorry, I can't do this. Not now."

Autumn walked towards the door. Her hand was on the handle when she heard a voice yell from behind her.

"You can't leave," Coin spoke. "We're not finished yet!"

Autumn turned to face the district president in fury. "You may not be finished, but I am. If you want to know what happened, use your imagination. Because any horrific way you can think of to tear a person's soul apart, the Capital did it to us." Autumn then turned around, opened the door, and left the room.

Author's Note:

Yes, I updated!
I'm sorry it took me so long. I've been extremely busy and I'm not sure when I'll update again, but hopefully it'll be soon. Thank you so much for reading!
You're all amazing!

Also, as a side note, I have teamed up with WolfMorgan and I am going to be judging a selection of books by writers selected writers. She has a book set up on her account already that explains some of the details. I would love if you would check it out, maybe enter, and have the chance to get your book judged by me or any of the other amazing judges!

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