Chapter Thirteen

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Autumn was woken up to doctors bustling around her. They took the needles out of her arm and unstrapped her to the bed, which was a safety precaution. Autumn was told it was so she wouldn't fall if the bed while she slept, but she believed it was so incase the Capitol had hijacked her and they didn't know, they would have her controlled.

"Mr. Odair," a doctor poked Finnick's arm.

"Go away, bastard," Finnick mumbled before hugging Autumn closer to his chest. Autumn began to laugh, waking Finnick up completely. He opened his eyes and rolled over to face a fuming doctor.

"Mr. Odair I need you to get off the bed," the doctor spoke sternly. Finnick looked from the doctor, to Autumn, and then back to the doctor. He then shrugged and unwrapped his arms around around Autumn, getting off the bed.

The doctor rolled his eyes, walking closer to Autumn once Finnick had left that side of the bed. He took the blood pressure gauge off of Autumn's arm and looked at his clip board.

"Your body is responding well to the nutrients we have been pumping in," the doctor spoke. "I suggest you eat and drink a lot. You may be feeling sick for the next few days because your body isn't use to having a lot of food and nutrients so just careful with that. You will be weak, still, for the next few weeks but you should start to feel better within this next week." The doctor smiled at Autumn, who nodded. "But you are free to go. Just take it easy."

"Thank you!" Autumn yelled at his back as he walked off. Autumn looked over at Finnick and smiled. Autumn hopped off the bed and into Finnick's arms, grabbing him in a hug. She still couldn't believe she was with him once again.

"C'mon," Finnick spoke. "I'll show you where you'll be staying."

Finnick took Autumn's hand in his and lead her out of he hospital wing. Autumn was thankful for the change of clothes being a grey jump suit with a belt, but she still wished she had shoes, although she did have socks.

Finnick lead Autumn into a large opening of the bunker. Autumn looked up to see the ceiling went several stories high, probably as high as the bunker. Screens were on either side of the large tube like opening and a balcony was at the front, near the top floor.

Many people were bustling about through the bunker. They all stopped and looked at Autumn for a moment, a look of amazement in their eyes. This confused Autumn, but she didn't stop to ask.

Finnick took her down a long hallway that she assumed was the living quarters for many of the people of District Thirteen. He stopped at one of the doors and pressed his hand to a pad next to the door. The door whooshed open to reveal and medium sized room. It had a large bed, a nightstand, a mini living area, and a dresser. There was another door on the far wall which Autumn assumed lead to the bathroom.

"You're okay with sleeping together, right?" Finnick joked, a smile on his face. Autumn rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Yeah because the last three years of sleeping in the same bed don't mean anything," she laughed, cupping Finnick's face and kissing him once again.

Autumn let go of Finnick to inspect the room, looking at the large rope that had knots tied into it.

She walked closer to the bed to see a few things on the nightstand, one of which looked very familiar.

"I'm glad Katniss gave it back," Autumn smiled as she picked up the necklace with the ring on it, clipping it back around her neck where it belonged. "Is District Four still..."

Finnick nodded, understanding what Autumn was asking. Autumn noticed his face go solemn, even though he nodded.

"District Four is still alive, but Twelve was destroyed," Finnick told her.

"How many-"

"Eight hundred survived," Finnick told her. Autumn let out a breath she hadn't realized she been holding in. "Most of them are here now."

Autumn looked at the picture of her on Finnick's bedside table, smiling at it sadly. It was taken by Finnick himself. They had been spending a day at the beach and the picture was of Autumn in the water, laughing the second before a wave came and hit her in the back, making her fall into the water.

Autumn would give anything to go back to that memory. To go back to a time before she had been beaten and broken. To a time when she only had nightmares about the Games, not two Games and being held in the Capitol. But alas, Autumn rarely even got what she wished for.

Autumn turned and looked at Finnick, a small smile on his face due to watching Autumn remember the memory behind the picture. He's all I need, Autumn thought. Finnick thought the same thing.

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