Chapter Eighteen

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"I don't want to do this," Autumn whispered to Finnick. She held onto his right arm for dear life, dreading the moment when she would have to let go.

They watched Coin as she walked to the microphone, staring out at the crowd of District Thirteen. Every single person in the District was there, except for Katniss who was watching this speech from the hospital wing.

"You will do great," Finnick smiled at her. "If you get nervous, just look over at me. I'll be here the whole time." Autumn looked up at him.

It had been a week since Autumn had her meeting with the leaders of District Thirteen and the leaders of the rebellion. Katniss had gotten better since then and awoken, but she was still in bad shape. Coin insisted that Autumn still make this speech so that the Districts know who to turn too if a scare like this is to happen again.

"Can we eat dinner in our room tonight?" Autumn asked. "Instead of the cafeteria? Just the two of us."

Finnick smiled even wider, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to Autumn's lips. She felt the warmth spread through her body at the taste of him. No matter how many times Autumn kissed Finnick, chills still ran down her spine and butterflies filled her stomach.

Finnick and Autumn were two very private people, and so, their love was also private. They did not often express much affection too each other publicly, the most being a light kiss in front of people. But when they were alone, things were very different. It seemed that since both of them worked so much during the day, their need for each other built up until they finally had the night to spend together. When they retired to their room for the night, both Finnick and Autumn wished that the sun would never come up so they could be in each other's arms a little longer. Even if for a few more seconds.

Coin announced Autumn's name, meaning it was time for her to go on stage. She forced herself to let go of Finnick, looking back at him as she walked up to the microphone. He mouthed an 'I love you' to her, which she returned by mouthing those words back to him before walking under the eye of District Thirteen.

The crowd cheered for Autumn as she took her place on the balcony above them. She didn't smile as Autumn didn't want to fake her gratitude. She looked over at Finnick who nodded and smiled at her.

Autumn took in a deep breath before starting. "Good evening districts of Panem. My name is Autumn Reeves, survivor of the seventieth and seventy-fifth Hunger Games. I speak to you now in a time of fear and uncertainty. I hope that my speech will bring you peace of mind, even if it is only a little." She looked out at the crowd. "As you all know, Katniss Everdeen was shot only a week ago in District Two," she continued. "We hold no ill will to District Two and urge every District to have the same attitude."

Autumn looked over at Coin, seeing the anger written across the woman's face. While Autumn had promised to memorize a prewritten speech, she never promised to recite it word for word.

"Due to these events, the rebel leaders have been forced to take certain safety precautions. One of these precautions is making sure that the Mockingjay symbol will have a face, even if Katniss Everdeen is killed." Mourners swept the crowd as they were unsure what Autumn was talking about. She took another deep breath and glanced at Finnick once again before breaking the news. "At Katniss Everdeen's request, should she be killed in battle, I am to take her place as the Mkckingjay."

The crowd exploded with talking. Everyone in the room began to yell to Autumn, asking her questions or requesting that Coin come back out and explain. She could see the camera close in on her face, meaning the district's could see her emotions very clearly.

Autumn's lips parted and her chest began to rise and fall faster than is healthy. The small girl's heart beat picked up and her stomach fell to her toes. She couldn't breath, gasping for air. Tears pricked at her eyes and the crowd of shouting people seemed to get louder. A panic attack was setting in.

Autumn flinched as an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to their body. She looked up to see Finnick at her side, using one hand to hold her to him and the other to grasp her own hand. She clung to him for dear life, unable to stop the emotions that threatened to make her pass out.

Finnick leaned forward to talk into the microphone, speaking over the yelling voices. He began to talk, but Autumn couldn't her him. All she could do was stare at him and blink the tears away.

Autumn felt weak and she hated herself for it. These attacks have become more frequent since she left the Capital. The smallest thing seemed to set Autumn off, wether it was getting her blood drawn in the hospital wing or taking a bath, she began to hyperventilate and cry.

But every single time this happened, Finnick was there. He stood by her side in the hospital wing, holding her hand. He would get in the bathtub with her, calming Autumn as she leaned back against him so it distracted her from the water. Every single time she fell victim to her own mind, Finnick was there to save her.

It often left Autumn wondering why he stayed with her. She couldn't understand why he loved a fragile girl like herself. One who cowers in the corner at the sight of a baton as it reminded her of the ones the Peacekeepers had in the Capital. Autumn believed Finnick deserved better. She believed he needed someone who didn't have to rely on him. She believed he deserved someone as beautiful as he is, inside and out. She was just a broken mind in a fragile body.

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