Chapter Nineteen

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"How much further?" Autumn spoke, walking blindly. Finnick laughed, his hand over her eyes and her hands over his hand.

Finnick lowered his head so that his mouth was directly next to Autumn's ear. "You ask a lot of questions," he whispered, deeply. Autumn ignored the chills that ran down her spine and smiled, letting Finnick guide her with his other hand on her right hip.

She had her back up against his chest, her feet shuffling forward in uncertainty for fear that she'd trip.

Autumn laughed, sounding like music to Finnick's ears. Oh, how he missed that laugh. "You're not about to push me down a hill, are you?"

"What if I did?" Finnick asked, guiding Autumn to turn a corner. Autumn came to a halt and tilted her head back to look straight up at him, even though her eyes were covered by his large hand.

She smiled. "Then you're going down with me."
Finnick scoffed, unable to hid his amused chuckle as he lead Autumn forward once again.

He kicked open a door, leading Autumn through it with haste before it swung back and hit him in the shoulder. But as long as Autumn didn't get hit, he didn't care.

He lead her only a few steps further before taking his hand from her eyes. She tilted her head down so it was no longer leaning back on his chest, opening her eyes to look at her surroundings.

Autumn's lips parted in amazement as she stared at the scene in front of her. She stood in the District Thirteen green house entrance. The greenhouse was so different than the normal grey walls of District Thirteen. A spacious floor area was completely clear expect for a prodigious tree that sat in the middle of the large room. Different flowers and plants sat at the walls in the room, making one feel almost like they were outside. And, at the base of the large tree, was a clothed table with two chairs.

Autumn covered her mouth with her hand, overwhelmed by the beauty that came to her eyes. She looked up at Finnick, a smile adorning her gorgeous face. Finnick believed it to be her biggest smile since coming to District Thirteen.

Autumn turned completely around, clasping her arms around his neck and pulling the boy into a kiss. Finnick's hands came to her home, gripping them gently. They both smiled as their lips overlapped, feeling warmth spread through their bodies. Autumn pulled him closer to her, eager to savor the moment, but there would be plenty of time for that later.

They both broke apart for air, smiling at each other for a moment before Finnick took Autumn's hand in his and lead her to the table at the base of the tree.

A candle sat in the middle of the table, already lit and letting off a vanilla aroma. Each side of the table had a plate with a metal covering over top to keep the food warm. There was also a wine and water glass for both people. But Autumn knew which side was hers from the beautiful pink water lily that sat at the edge of the table by the chair.

Autumn picked up the water lily, smiling down upon the beautiful flower that was indigenous to District Four. It had been her favorite flower her entire life.

Autumn looked at Finnick who stood at the back of her chair, pulling it out for her to sit down. The expression on her face said it all to Finnick, which Autumn was grateful for as she was at a loss for words.

She took her seat, setting the water lily down to the side of the table as Finnick walked around to the other side, taking his seat. Autumn leaned forward in her seat, ushering Finnick to lean forward, slightly, which he did.

"I love it, but was the blindfolding really necessary?" Autumn spoke just above a whisper.

Finnick was unable to hide his smile for a moment before hiding it behind his cocky smirk, which Autumn hated to admit that she loved.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Finnick whispered. Autumn nodded, playing along. "I just wanted to watch you trip over your own feet." Autumn licked her lips, unable to hold away her amused smile from the man in front of her.

Finnick stood, standing to the side of the table that was across from the base of the tree. "What was the point in sitting down?" Autumn quirked and eyebrow up at him.

"Well," Finnick pretended to be hurt. "If you'll treat me this way I guess I'll just leave."

"Okay," Autumn shrugged, joking. "Just make sure you leave the food."

Finnick shook his head at her, grabbing the metal caps over both plates. "Speaking of food," he began before picking the tops off of the platters. "For my lady we have the steak, asparagus, and fruit bowl, and for me we have the exact same thing."

Autumn laughed, clapping to play along with Finnick's act as a waiter. He bowed and pretended to blow kisses to his adoring fans that had witnessed his performance.

"You have no idea how hard to was to convince the cooks to make something other than the stew they serve every other day," Finnick spoke as he sat down.

Autumn shook her head, popping a blueberry in her mouth. She had absolutely no idea how Finnick managed to get fresh fruit. "I like the stew. It's a different color everyday. It's a fun adventure, you know?"

Finnick raised an eyebrow. "If that's what you consider fun, we have a lot to talk about."

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