Chapter Six

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"Finnick!" Katniss ran into his room. The boy was surprised, dropping his rope of knots when he saw Katniss run into the room.

"What is it?" Finnick asked, unsure of why Katniss was so panicked.

"Put on some clothes and follow me," Katniss told Finnick, nodding at his medical gown.

Finnick nodded, taking off his gown once Katniss left the room and threw on a grey District Thirteen uniform.

He rushed out the door to see Katniss waiting for him. Within a second of him being out of the door, Katniss began to run down the hallway with Finnick on her tail.

They entered the main production room of District Thirteen which only confused Finnick even more.

Finnick looked around the room to see many people bustling about. Beetee was in the middle of it all, working at a computer.

"Katniss, what is going on-" Finnick spoke, but he was cut off by the large screen that flickered in at the head of the room.

Finnick stopped talking as his eyes widened as he saw Autumn on the screen. Autumn was in completely white dress, standing next to Peeta. In between Peeta and Johanna was President Snow sitting on a white throne.

None of the three tributes looked harmed, but you could see it in their eyes. Peeta looked worried. Johanna looked angry. Autumn looked determined.

"Coming live from the Capital, I am President Snow and I have a message," President Snow began this speak. Everyone in the room went quiet as they turned and watched the screen. "Joined with me, are the victors I have righteously saved from the arena in the seventy-fifth Hunger Games."

Finnick scoffed, disgusted by what Snow was saying. Did the Districts and the Capital really believe this?

"Katniss Everdeen must be stopped. She has threatened our way of life and will not stop until she sees the Capital destroyed," Snow spoke. "And her fellow victors are no better. That includes Beetee Latier, Haymitch Abernathy, and Finnick Odair. If you see any of these fugitives report then to the Peacekeepers immediately. Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever."

The video flickered off, Autumn disappearing from Finnick's visions. Finnick turned and looked at Katniss.

"What is he doing to them?" Finnick asked.

"That's not the only video, Finnick," Beetee told Finnick. He turned his eyes back to the screen, watching as Autumn's face returned to the screen. This time it was just her and Caesar Flickerman.

Finnick walked around the computer area that Beetee was sitting in, walking up to the screen. The camera zoomed in on Autumn's face. He could see the pain in her eyes.

"What have they done to you?" Finnick whispered to himself, placing his hand on the screen.

Caesar introduced himself and began asking questions, beginning with asking her how she has been.

"As good as I can be," Autumn told Caesar. Finnick saw that there was more to that answer in her eyes. The Capital was changing her.

"How have you been holding up to the news of Mags Flanagan's death?" Caesar asked her.

Finnick watched as Autumn's face fell. Of course she didn't know about Mags's death. How could she? Nobody would've told her.

"W-what?" Autumn's voice cracked. "I don't think I heard you right."

"How have you been since Mags Flanagan's death?" Caesar repeated himself.

"I-I was not aware of this," Autumn told Caesar. A tear dropped down her cheek but she brushed it away as quickly as it fell.

Finnick wanted to turn away. He wanted to storm out of the room and not watch another second of this horrid video, but he couldn't bring himself to leave. He had to see Autumn, even if it was like this.

"Do you have anything to say to the Districts or the rebels?" Caesar asked her.

The emotions on Autumn's face changed. She looked confused as she debated what to say. Finnick knew she was deciding if she wanted to speak the truth, or safe herself from another beating.

"Autumn?" Caesar asked. Autumn looked back at Caesar.

"Sorry, I was just thinking," Autumn told him, her face changing back to a neutral look.

Finnick could see Autumn's eyes flicker to behind the camera, making him wonder what or who was behind it. Her eyes then snapped over to her right and she shook her head in a small nod. Who was she nodding at?

Autumn lifted her hand and rubbed her face with a wipe, taking the makeup off of her face. When she removed her hand from her face, she looked completely different. Bruises were all over her face, including many on her neck and her jaw.

The people of District Thirteen in the room gasped. They all knew the tributes were being beaten, but they hadn't seen it. And the worst part was that they all knew her face was the most unharmed of the three victors.

Autumn's eyes darted around the room, her fear seeping through the screen. The Peacekeepers were coming for her.

"I am Autumn Reeves, District Four victor," Autumn spoke in a rush. Finnick could hear the brokenness in her voice. The fear. The pain. "I am being held in the Capital with Peeta Mellark and Johanna Mason." Autumn looked around quickly, once again. 

Finnick couldn't even blink. He couldn't tare his eyes away from Autumn. He wished more than anything that he was I her place.

Gloved hands grabbed her arms and began pulling her from the chair she was sitting in. This was definitely not planned.

"We are being tortured daily!" Autumn screamed into the camera, thrashing against the Peacekeepers. "Trust the rebels! Trust Katniss Everdeen!" Autumn looked into the camera. She looked straight at Finnick. "Finnick, I love you!" She yelled, the Peacekeepers dragging her away from the camera.

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