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            It was encouraging to know that even when faced with a difficult issue, Louise's relationship with Alfie could endure. In fact, she felt like it was even stronger. A real relationship dealt with the real world. She couldn't have the fluffy relationships from the romance novels she read as a teenager. They simply did not exist.

            She much preferred Alfie anyways. The sly glances he gave her throughout the day and the subtle touches warmed her heart. There was a major difference between Alfie at work and Alfie in private. There was a reputation that needed to be upheld. Louise didn't change that if anything she enhanced it. Anyone who worked with them knew she was a major trigger. A gangster's woman was sacred, the sole person on the Earth who had access to his heart. She wasn't disposable. She was above all else. A Medusa to others. One glance could massively fuck you over.

            Louise wasn't very fond of being feared. If anything, she felt a little lonely. No one, except for Ollie would speak to her unless it was work related. And even then they preferred going to Ollie.

            She'd made friends outside the bakery but she often worked long hours so it was hard to socialize. Only by her own choices though. Louise was dedicated to keeping Alfie's life organized if to just ease his stress by a fraction. Plus she never wanted to be the young socialite who wandered around the house, bored and drunk before noon. Work gave her purpose.

            "Lou, s'getting late. Why don't you head home, love?"

            She was sat at her desk when Alfie came to hover in the doorway between them. "I will after I've typed this up." Her eyes remained fixed on the paper in front of her.

            "You don't have to finish everything today." He leaned against the doorjamb and crossed his arms over his chest.

            "You said you needed it by tomorrow." She replied and mindlessly kept typing.

            "Right, well, fuck what I said. Yeah, now I'm saying I don't need it by tomorrow."

            Louise stilled her hands and looked up. "Are you going to say something different tomorrow." She raised an eyebrow. "Because I'd rather get it done than face the wrath of Alfie Solomons tomorrow."

            He chuckled and straightened up. "C'mon, you, I'll walk ya home." He offered and turned to get his things.

            "Sir." A man jogged up to Louise's desk.

            "What?" Alfie grunted as the burden of work returned.

            The dark haired boy looked no older than eighteen. The mere action of approaching Alfie made him appear ill with worry. His eyes were wide and he stood on edge, ready to bolt at any moment. "Sabini's men, a few of 'em threatened the pub owner down the street. He's come to complain."

            Alfie's face clouded over. Things weren't well in London, especially on the Jewish front. Sabini was getting more confident and toeing the lines. With the possible threat from the Changretta's, Alfie was starting to really lose his temper with the Italians. Even more so than before.

            "Well, that's fucking fantastic, innit?" He threw his hands up. "You tell him, yeah, that I'll meet with him in an hour." He pulled his hat on with a note of finality.

            "Alfie," Louise stood up and touched his arm for comfort. "You should meet with him now. I can stay for a bit or I'll walk myself home." She suggested in a steady voice.

            "No." He shook his head and checked his pocket watch before stuffing it in his pocket. "M'walking you home now. He can wait."

            "Sir, he's very agitated." The young man interjected. "He's insisting that you..."

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