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There was a job to be done and Alfie didn't take that lightly. But it was nice to daydream about the night. Imagine that Louise was his and his alone. He could spoil her to no end; dressing her up like royalty, adorning her with priceless jewels, sweeping her off her feet and taking her to elite events. To have her on his arm and brag about her intelligence and wit.

Alfie rubbed the back of his neck, brushing up against the brim of his derby hat. He anxiously waited for Louise on the sidewalk in front of her apartment. She hadn't told him whether she bought a dress or not. She merely shrugged when he asked if she had luck finding something to wear to the event. A faint smile played at her lips and she turned away from him, avoiding the question.

Her front door opened and she stepped out to break Alfie's anticipation when he saw a sweep of red. His jaw clenched and he gripped his cane to the point his knuckles went white.

Louise stepped down to the sidewalk, walking over to him with a tentative smile. "Too much?"

"Oh, Lou, those poor men," Alfie smirked and breathlessly chuckled. "You'll knock 'em right off their fucking feet." He had to lean back a little to take her all in.

She'd settled on a floor-length red gown with intricate beading on the bodice like her blue one. Two-inch straps and a V-neck accented her form well. Her hair was braided and pinned up tightly. Her lips were painted red as well. She looked like she'd stepped off a movie set.

"I'm not dressed like this for other men. You're the one who requested red." Her flirtatious reply made Alfie dizzy. She touched the lapel of his tuxedo. Her eyes flicked up to his face. Alluring smoky makeup accented her doe-eyes. She looked at him with such fondness.

He knew he'd have to get himself composed before they arrived at the gala but she wasn't making it easy. "And I'm fucking glad I did." He swallowed trying so hard not to stare too long. "Go on, get in." He opened the car door for her, offering a hand.

Louise rested her hand in his, gathering the skirt of her dress in her other. Her fingertips grazed over the bands of his rings.

Alfie was sure he'd never felt something so soft and warm. It was as if he'd been stuck in an isolated, damp, cold room. Louise's hand setting him on fire and offering a plush escape from his rough world. He only longed to take her into his arms. To let her cradle his head on her chest, her soft hands knotted in his hair, her soothing voice pulling him away from all the evil of the world, including himself.


"Miss Barnes, you've come a long way since we met last." Tommy Shelby smiled when he saw her walking into the reception hall with Alfie.

"Mr. Shelby, I have a lot to thank you for," Louise said gratefully.

"I trust Mr. Solomons is treating you well?" The Blinder's icy eyes flicked playfully to Alfie. Of course, he could see she was in better shape. The color had returned to her cheeks, her eyes seemed to have found life again, and a content smile adorned her face. It didn't matter that she was on the arm of one of London's most dangerous men. In fact, she looked more than happy to be in that position.

"Fucking hilarious, mate," Alfie muttered and bent his down slightly to address Louise. "Lou, why don't ya find a table? I'll be there in a sec."

She nodded and gently squeezed his arm before leaving the men alone. Her red dress disappearing into the crowd of Britain's most elite and powerful.

"Is there a reason you brought her along?" Tommy asked and pulled out his silver cigarette case. "Forget that we're conducting business, eh?"

"She's safer with me," Alfie replied firmly, not swayed by Tommy's doubt. He had men in practically every inch of the hall. Nothing happened without him knowing. "Didn't ask for your fucking input, did I?"

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