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Dear Teddy,

Your mother named you just a few moments after you were born. We gave you a Hebrew name as well to please everyone in Camden Town. Tovi means my good. You are my good. Sometimes I cannot believe that you are actually my son. You have been blessed with your mother's patience and intelligence.

You have great potential and I hope that you fulfill everything you desire. When I was your age, I was running the streets of Camden. I did not think I would ever have a family.

When I met your mother, I realized I could. She gave me everything including you. I doubted I would ever be enough for you. I thought I would fail as a father, especially since I knew I would not see you grow into the adult you are now.

Truth be told, I never anticipate seeing you to your first birthday. I expected you to never have a memory of me. I thought that would be best. I did not want to disappoint you. I figured your mother could tell you everything you wanted to know. She could always paint me in a better light.

Then you said your first word. It was dad. I was your first word. Then you learned how to say 'I love you'. You kept saying it to your mother. Repeating 'I love you' all day. Then when I tucked you into bed, you said it to me. Teddy, I cannot tell you the joy it is to hear your child say such words. I can only hope one day you experience the same joy.

I am sorry I cannot be there for you the way a father should be. There will be many things I miss. I can only dream of the things you will accomplish. But being there in your first years of life was truly a gift. A fitting send-off. I can go peacefully knowing I have experienced true happiness and love.

Know that I will always be there with you in spirit; no matter what path you choose to walk. I trust you will take good care of your mother. I love you both more than I could possibly put into words. I hope this letter is enough, I hope I was enough. Because you both were my entire world.

I promise I will not make this letter into a novel. But I wanted to tell you a few of my favorite memories, tell you a few things you might never have heard.

I met your mother in Camden Town. She was applying for the position as my secretary. Clever as a whip, negotiated an extra pound out of me. Knocked the wind right out of me. Could never take my eyes off of her...


Teddy's eighteenth birthday was as festive of an occasion as Louise could make it. She threw him an extravagant party at Inglewood, letting him invite whoever he wanted. He and his best mates spent the day fox hunting. Teddy proudly showing off, Henry, one of his birthday presents. A strong thoroughbred draft cross gelding. Afterward, there was a party for Louise's beloved son. Inviting everyone she considered both friends and family from Surrey all the way to Camden Town.

When the party eventually died down, Louise found her son looking at pictures of Alfie in the study.

"One more gift." She said gently and touched his shoulder.

The young man smiled and took the envelope and small box from her. "Think you've spoiled me enough, mum." He chuckled and opened the box.

"That was your father's." She explained, her lower lip already trembling.

Teddy set the envelope aside to hold up the pocket watch. His father's initials were carved into the back of the gold surface. With a bit of polishing and a tune-up, it was in fairly good shape considering how old I was. "I uh..." He wasn't sure what to saw as he caught his reflection in the watch's face. His mother always said how much he looked like his father. Teddy could see the resemblance, even if he didn't sport the same beard Alfie did.

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