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          The bakery was a war zone, had been for the whole week and it was finally Friday. Some men were genuinely afraid they wouldn't make it to the weekend.

Despite his new relationship, Alfie was in a terrible mood. He couldn't spend enough quality time with Louise anyway. He'd work through the middle of the night, much too late to drop by her apartment.

Sabini had been giving him trouble and the two had fallen out yet again. He was harassing Alfie's bookies and the two got into a heated argument over the matter. Racial slurs were tossed about and it ended with Ollie stopping his boss from whipping out a gun.

Now everyone was a target. Even Louise was given grunts or clipped one-word answers. It didn't bother her so much as she knew the anger wasn't directed at her. But it did bother her that he was distressed.


Finally, one hot afternoon, she had to intervene.

"Fucking hell...Lou? Louise!"

She looked up from her desk situated right outside Alfie's office door. She stood and went in.

Alfie was sat in his leather chair, one hand braced against the desk, and the other grasped his cane tightly. A disgruntled look of pain etched into his face, his forehead wrinkling and brow furrowed.

"Help me up." He said curtly.

Louise didn't think it was wise to remind him of his manners. "Is it your hip?" She walked over to him. Cyril followed her, concerned about his master.

Alfie's hip wasn't reacting well to the stress. His lip was more prominent which made him more upset because he despised appearing weak. He only confided in Louise or Ollie about the pain. Louise wanted to tell him it was because he was either sat at his desk working endless hours or beating up anyone who got on his bad side. But saying that would only make him more upset. Stubbornness couldn't be cured by reason.

"'Course it's me fucking hip." He replied gruffly.

"What do you need? I can get it for you." She offered.

"I can get it, just help me up."

"Alfie, you're in pain. You should take it easy, I'll-"

"I can fucking handle it!" He set off, slapping his palm on the desktop. Louise startled and Cyril whimpered, tucking his tail between his legs and cowering away.

Alfie groaned and slumped back in the chair. "M'sorry." He ran a hand over his weary face. "Just don't wanna be some useless git who can't get around his own fucking office."

"You're been under too much stress." She knelt down and rested her hands on his knees. "Maybe you should take a break."

"No rest for the wicked, love." He set his cane aside and tucked a finger under her chin.

"The bakery will be fine without you for a few days. You know Ollie can handle it." She urged softly. "You need to trust that."

"Can't, Lou, there's too much going on right now." He grimaced. What he wouldn't do to just snap Sabini's spine.

"You need to get out of London." She continued to persist. "You need clean air for a change. That'll help your hip." Her thumbs rubbed circles over his knees. "We won't go far and they'll be a phone so you can always check in with Ollie. You and I can spend time together." It was an unfair tactic to convince him, baiting him with alone time, but it worked.



"Margate, s'on the water. 'Bout a few hours drive."

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