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            Alfie didn't want to return to London and he had several reasons why. He knew the second they got back to Camden Town, Louise would be pushing him into a doctor's office. The prospect of definitively finding out he had cancer was not on the top of his to-do list. He wasn't sure when Luca Changretta was planning on appearing, but it had to be soon and Alfie didn't want Louise in London when he did show up.

But they had to return sometime. Alfie was sure the men at the bakery had a long enough vacation. He needed to make sure he was still an authority figure.


Louise woke up a little later than usual. Alfie hadn't woken her up because he wanted to grant her the luxury of sleeping in. He'd left a note on his pillow.

Mrs. Solomons,

Thought you might want to sleep in a bit. It's a lovely day out so I thought you might want to walk. If not, have Evelyn call Ishmael to bring the car around.

Love, Alfie

Louise smiled and tucked the letter away to keep. She usually kept most of his letters because of her sentimental heart. After getting dressed, Louise began to walk to the bakery with Cyril. The bullmastiff was thrilled she and Alfie were back. He trotted alongside her, his ears perked up and listening to the sounds of the city around him.

"Mornin' Mrs. Solomons."

Louise glanced over to see two gentlemen she'd never met before in her life. Yet they had greeted her by name and tipped their caps in respect. "Oh, good morning." She smiled but was confused. Despite the odd interaction, she kept walking. As she did, a few more unfamiliar people greeted her by her married name and a few mothers made sure their children didn't run into her path. It was peculiar. Never before had she been treated that way in Camden or anywhere to be precise.


"Mornin' Louise." Ollie greeted her at the door. He took Cyril's lead from her.

"Ollie, has my husband been threatening the town to be nice to me?" Louise asked.

"Threatening...well, I don't know 'bout that." Ollie walked with her on her way to her desk. "Think people are glad Alfie's married now. Takes the edge off him a bit, doesn't it?"

"I suppose. But I don't want people treating me differently."

The young man shrugged. "I wouldn't question it. He's happier now and wants the world to know he's married. It's better than grumbling about the hot weather."

Louise smiled. "It sure is."


"Right, let's see," Alfie grunted as he climbed the stairs of the elegant building, his hips stiff as a board. His protection followed as they approached the railing that overlooked the viewing ring below. The man scoured the crowd until he saw a familiar face among the elite members of British society.

"Tommy Shelby." He clapped the man on the back.

The Blinder was with the majority of his entourage. Johnny, Michael, Curly, John, Michael, and Arthur. They all visibly flinched as the gangster descended on them without warning. The other two eldest Shelbys instinctually reached for their handguns tucked away inside their coats.

"Easy lads, easy." Alfie held up his hands to symbolize peace. "This is a posh event, this is. Not looking to get blood on the walls of this fine place now, am I?"

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