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         Louise sat on the edge of the bed waiting anxiously for Alfie to return home. Evelyn called the bakery out of worry for Louise's sake, but no one answered. All the young woman could do was bring tea to her and assure her Alfie knew what he was doing. What he was doing was up in the air. Polly had been partially right about one thing, Alfie was dangerously unhinged when his loved ones were threatened.

Louise wasn't worried about his safety; he was secure in his bakery, armed with his gun and rage. She was worried about what would happen after the Italians found out about the death. Now that Alfie knew Sabini was actively trying to extort him for the Shelby information, the game had changed. Sabini was clever in figuring out Louise was Alfie's weak spot, but he was foolish for trying to use her as a bargaining chip.

Finally, long past midnight, Alfie arrived home. He'd done his best to wash up before leaving the bakery. He didn't want Louise seeing him drenched in his crimes.

He entered quietly and approached Evelyn in the kitchen. She jolted upon seeing her boss in such a state.

"Goodness, Mr. Solomons!" She pressed a hand to her heart. "Are you hurt?"

He shook his head and started to unbutton the bloodied shirt. "Get me a clean one, will ya? Don't tell Lou I'm here yet."

Shaken, Evelyn nodded and hurried upstairs. Alfie examined his arms and chest to see some residual blood left behind. He grabbed a cloth from the kitchen counter to wipe it away.

Evelyn returned and handed him the clean shirt. He chucked the bloody one and told her to turn in for the night. He went upstairs and Louise stood upon hearing his heavy footsteps. He came into the doorway, giving her worries a bit of a break.

"Alfie..." Her voice was broken.

"Sh, I've taken care of it." He enveloped her in his arms. There was no need to talk about the fate of the man that had tried to violate her. He was on Farringdon Road, barely recognizable, and a blade driven into his heart. He was nothing more than a message to Sabini now. But Alfie couldn't kill a man to heal Louise's emotional wounds. It didn't work with Daniel and it wouldn't work a second time around. It was unbelievably frustrating to Alfie that he was helpless to ease her pain.

"What's going to happen?" Louise had exhausted her tears. Her whole body ached with anxiety and dread. She wasn't sure exactly what she'd done or what it would start. "What are they going to do to us?"

"Tomorrow, Ishmael will bring you and Lyn to Margate. You'll be safer there." He completely avoided the question about the war. He promised her a long time ago that she wouldn't be involved in that part of his life. Sabini may have tried to involve her but Alfie refused to. If he had to send her across the ocean to keep her safe, he would. Even if the separation caused him deep pain. Her safety always came first.

Her fingers curled around his clean shirt. "No, I'm not leaving you to face this alone."

"This ain't your fight, love. Not gonna let that rat use you as a pawn."

"I don't want you getting hurt while I'm somewhere else." She didn't want to think about the possibility of death. But, if push came to shove, Louise would much rather be by her lover's side as he died than being miles away and hearing of his death from a messenger. She would hold his hand if he ever left her.

"M'not arguing 'bout this, Lou. You being here, yeah, it's dangerous for everyone. I need to settle this but I need to know you're safe while I'm doing that." He replied firmly. His eyes slid closed and he rested in the crook of her neck. "I'm tired, love." He whispered.

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