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            Louise knew there was something weighing on Alfie's mind. For days, he was much quieter than usual. It was unsettling to say the least because she couldn't pinpoint his exact emotion. He wasn't angry or he'd be ranting and raving at anyone within earshot. He wasn't worried because he'd be trying his best to act cool, calm, and collected. No, it was something entirely new. And yet, he said he was perfectly fine when she questioned him.


Then, one night, he pulled his coat on after dinner. Louise and Evelyn were standing at the sink finishing the dishes.

"Where are you off to, then Mr. Solomons?" The maid asked.

Louise looked over, a towel in hand. "Alfie?"

He seemed uneasy and not keen on a discussion. It appeared he had tried to slip out without them even knowing. "Be back late." He replied gruffly but circumvented the actual question.

"Alfie, where are you going?" Louise repeated Evelyn.

His blue eyes focused on buttoning his waistcoat and checking the time. "Business, love."

"Business? At this hour?"

"No need to worry. S'nothing bad." He promised but of course, most of his dealings could be classified as bad to the common onlooker.

Louise chewed on her lip. She was obviously worried about his lack of detail but couldn't stop him. "Okay. Be safe." Her voice was weak with reluctant complacency.

He glanced up at her, a hint of guilt crossing his face. A soft sigh slipped out his lips and he walked into the kitchen. He kissed her gently almost as an apology. "Goodnight, see you in the morning." He murmured and donned his hat before leaving.

Evelyn returned to the washing but Louise was gripped with discomfort. "He's keeping something from me." She said to the young woman.

"He would never be unfaithful to you, Louise," Evelyn assured her. "He'd be lost without you."

"I'm not worried about that, Lyn. I'm worried he's getting himself into something dangerous." She admitted. "And I think it has something to do with the Shelbys."


It was nearly three in the morning when Alfie finally returned back to London. He did his best to stay quiet while entering the flat but the creaking stairs gave him away. He saw the lamp on under their bedroom door, the light filtering into the hallway.

Alfie opened the door and found Louise in bed, still awake. Cyril stood guard by the bed and a low growl emerged before he realized it was his master returning home.

"Lou, why're you still up?" He asked and patted Cyril.

She sat up, the quilts over her knees, her arms tucking them to her chest. "I couldn't sleep. I was..." Her voice left off at the end.

Alfie cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the guilt building up inside of him. He stripped down to his boxers and slipped into bed with her. "You were what, love?"

"I was concerned. You didn't really say where you were going and I thought something might happen to you." She admitted.

He leaned on his side, propping his cheek up to look at her. "I'm alright, ain't I? I'm here now so you can go to sleep."

She merely stared at him in disappointment. Surely she thought he would sympathize with her anxiety. She could recall the times he had to leave for a day or two and had men watching the flat just in case. And of course the time he nearly blew a fuse when she visited the Shelbys. It wasn't fair she couldn't have it the same way. "Where were you?"

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