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           The next morning, Louise called Alfie and told him she was feeling under the weather and wouldn't be going to work. The man didn't mind and didn't suspect anything. Then she rang Ishmael and said Alfie allowed her the car for the day. The boy gave her the keys without much hesitation. Alfie treated Louise like royalty so he wasn't in any position to question. It may not have been fair to lie, but there was something she had to do.

Louise pulled up the gravel drive, amazed by the beauty and intense power of the Arrow House. It was fairly similar to the estate she grew up in, but it had been some time since she'd seen such a stately home.

She walked up the steps with a bouquet of condolence lilies. After ringing the doorbell, she realized how nervous she was. There was no telling how a man like Tommy Shelby mourned.

Polly answered the door; a look of surprise crossed her face. "Louise, I haven't seen you in nearly a year." The last time, the young woman was in Birmingham she was clutching a blood-soaked sweater to her stab wounds.

"Ms. Gray, it's so nice to see you again. I was saddened to hear the news about Grace, I heard she was a lovely woman."

Polly had a feeling Louise was raised to be a socialite even if she never became one. But every occasion, happy or sad, had a set of etiquette and demeanor. And although she fit the role well, Louise did seem genuine. "Thank you, dear. I'll let Tommy know you stopped by." Polly said gently and took the flowers.

"Is he not home? Have I come at a bad time?" Louise was hoping to give her condolences to the widower.

"I'm afraid he's absent at the moment." Tommy's aunt sighed heavily. She knew he was out in the pastures and there would be nothing to coax him back. He was in such a state. "He hasn't been seeing anyone lately."

"Oh no, of course." Louise nodded. "I can't imagine what he's going through. I don't want to intrude."

Polly had no ill feelings toward the woman. In fact, she was glad to she'd recovered so well from the attack. "Do you want to come in for tea?" She offered. "Ada's here as well."

"That sounds lovely, thank you, but I should get back. I want to return Alfie's car soon."

Concern set on Polly's face at the mention of that name. "Alfie. Alfie Solomons?" She asked slowly.

"Yes, Tommy helped me get a job in the bakery." Louise thought it was strange that Polly, who Alfie said was a key piece of the Shelby company, didn't know about the arrangement.

"He..." The older woman pinched the bridge of her nose with a weary groan. She cursed her nephew for making such a foolish decision. "Love, that man is dangerously unhinged."

"Oh, Ms. Gray, it's alright." Louise grew uncomfortable. She didn't want to hear someone judge Alfie when they didn't know him as well as she did. "I am aware of Alfie's business dealings." Proper and polite even under the eyes of scrutiny. They were two women who were waist-deep in gang activity but she needed to be wary. Her loyalty lay with Alfie and Polly's obviously lay with her family.

Polly studied her face. "Maybe I misjudged you. You may be naïve or maybe you like being under his wing. Just know that there are consequences to that." She wasn't criticizing, merely observing. She'd worked this job long enough.

Louise swallowed and stepped back. It was hard to hear the questions she'd asked herself at one point. "Please tell Mr. Shelby I'm sorry for his loss. Good day." She said stiffly and returned to the car.

"Be careful, men like him get restless."


On the drive back, Louise couldn't help but ruminate on Polly's warning. Was she naïve or did she get thrills from danger? Was that really a reason to be with a person? Was Alfie with her for the right reasons? Would he ever tire of her?

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