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*Thanks for making this story #1 for the Alfie Solomons tag!!* 

           To save some face, Alfie and Louise ducked out of the reception and into the cool summer night

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           To save some face, Alfie and Louise ducked out of the reception and into the cool summer night. The sun had just fallen and the sky was dyed a lovely shade of rose and lavender. The celebration was in full swing, loud cheers of congratulations bounced back and forth even though the bride and groom had snuck off. It seemed Alfie's community would give him shit about the marriage a little later. That night was reserved for having fun and enjoying the company of friends and family.

The bright lights from the newly furnished Inglewood lit up the patio a bit. The music could be heard from outside and the sun had left a lasting warmth.

Alfie drew his wife close, resting a hand on the small of her back and the other holding her hand. He made sure there was little space between them. He pressed his cheek to hers, the touch intimate and affectionate.

"I think today might just be a dream." Louise murmured as they began to sway back and forth together. It was a little offbeat from the music but they were more focused on each other's touch.

"Well if we wake up tomorrow and it's a dream, we'll have to do it again." He smiled.

She laughed softly and cuddled into his chest. "Alfie, you've made me so happy. I just want you to know that."

"You've made me happy too, Lou. Never thought I'd be married, yeah, let alone married to someone as perfect as you." He kissed her temple and ran his fingers up and down her back.

They danced for a bit in silence, content to only listen to each other's heartbeats. After a song or two, Louise picked up her head and glanced over Alfie's shoulder.

"Oh, look!" She gasped softly. Her eyes lit up in joy.

"What?" Alfie turned as she drew away from his arms and walked past him. He followed her into the garden. "You see something?"

"It's a lightning bug!" She made her way past large rose bushes, making sure her dress didn't snag on the thorns.

Alfie stooped down to pick up the train of her dress. He was sure she didn't want it to drag through the dirt but she seemed too thrilled about whatever she'd seen. "What're you after, silly girl?"

"Sh, you'll scare it away." She reached out into a thatch of foxgloves, cupping her hands over something Alfie hadn't noticed yet. She turned and let him peer into her clasped palms.

Inside a black bug began to light up. "Bloody hell, don't see those in London."

"In the summer, my father and I would bring out jars to capture them in. Only for a little while, just to see them glow a bit." She smiled warmly and watched the insect light up a few more times. "You knew it was summer when you'd see them in the gardens." She opened her hands to let the lightning bug fly away.

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