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            "Fucking hell, Tommy, you really need glasses don't you?"

It took Alfie a full breath to realize he hadn't been shot and was still very alive. He heard the bullet zip right by his ear but never made contact with flesh. "You've gone blind or have you got the shakes now?"

Tommy didn't say a word, instead, he simply waited.

"Alfie?" Louise came running out of the cottage only moments later. She was holding her gun, ready to shot Tommy Shelby if need be. But she was relieved to see both men were still standing and unharmed.

"It's alright, Louise, I was just showing Alfie this new pistol," Tommy called back to her standing on the dunes.

Alfie's wife looked irritated. "Well, I don't appreciate you both firing off without warning. The baby is trying to sleep."

The Jewish gangster became choked up and couldn't speak. He simply stared at her standing there with a gun in hand.

"Sorry, we'll keep it down." Tommy nodded and fiddled with his gun, letting the last bullet left in the barrel to fall out into his palm.

"Breakfast will be done soon, Alfie." Louise continued. "Come inside when you're done." And with that, she returned inside.

Tommy walked over and placed the bullet in Alfie's hand. "See that? She would've come out and shot me for what I did to you." He explained in a low voice. "Then, what'd you think would happen, aye? I've got a family of fucking animals, 'ccording to you."

Alfie was speechless, something he seldom was. His fingers curled around the bullet in a delayed response.

"Arthur isn't dead." Tommy continued speaking as he returned the gun into the inside of his coat. "Luca Changretta is. Whatever you've done, you did it to protect her and your son. I can understand that. I would've done the same thing. You're retired now so we can put this matter to rest. I can mentor Ollie, if you'd like, let him work your bakery back up. That'll be the end of fighting between the Blinders and the Jews. But if I hear you've been involved with the business again, I won't miss." Tommy said firmly. "Trust me when I say Louise would much rather have you around for the time you've got left. Because you don't know how long you have. Could be years. Years that you would be better off spending with your wife and boy."

Alfie slowly pocketed the bullet as if he were accepting the terms of Tommy's new lease on his life. "You've got more planned, Tommy?" He asked.

The Blinder reached for a cigarette. "I do." He answered curtly. "Business you won't want to be involved with, too legitimate for your liking."

Alfie nodded and sighed. "Done with doing all the dirty work, aye? Think you'll get tired of it, mate."

"Well, until then, I'll be alright. As will you." Tommy held out his hand to shake.

The other man obliged.


The walk up the dunes was much longer than it appeared. Alfie kept his palm wrapped around the bullet in his pocket. His heart was still beating unbearably fast. He'd nearly gone through with taking his own life via Tommy Shelby. According to plan, he shouldn't have been walking back up to the cottage.

But Tommy was dead on. Had Louise seen Alfie bleeding out in the sand, she would've shot him without hesitating. Whether it be because of a broken heart, revenge, or in fear she and Teddy were the next victims. Then what next? The Blinders would be after her for killing their kin.

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