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(If you're interested in another Alfie fic, I've just started one called Blue Eyes. It's about a Shelby sibling.) 

        Fall changed to winter and Louise was finding it difficult to try and keep Inglewood warm enough. She'd nearly forgotten how drafty it was sometimes. Their home in Camden was much cozier even if there wasn't a fire running all night.

Other than the chill of the frosty air, Louise didn't mind the winter. London wasn't sweltering and she wasn't always a sticky, sweaty mess by the time the day was over. No, in winter she could indulge in the fur-lined jacket Alfie had bought her in Paris on their honeymoon. She thought it was too soon to think about the winter, but was glad when the snow began to fall.

Although things were going well between the couple, there were things looming. Often times, Louise couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. And she couldn't get Alfie to go to the doctor and get a diagnosis for his skin. But he always had an excuse and she couldn't exactly force him. And she could only prompt him so many times. Besides, they had other things to focus on and Alfie was good at distracting Louise from his health.


It was their first time they would celebrate Hanukah as a married couple. As usual, they would go to Ollie's home. The young man had a large extended family and hardly enough space for all of them. But he always invited Alfie and Louise because he knew they didn't have much family to speak of.

The Jewish community in Camden was starting to accept Louise even if she hadn't converted. She made friends with some of the other newly wedded women or new mothers. Her Yiddish was getting better and she tried her best to fit in. They were welcoming, especially Ollie's family, but Louise couldn't help but feel a little guilty that she hadn't seen the suffering most of them had.


On the night of the celebration, Louise came downstairs. Alfie stood by the door and smiled when he saw her. She wore a simple dress, nothing fancy or anything revealing. But she wore a thin scarf to veil her hair. All of her Jewish friends who were married wore something similar. They said it was a tradition to show they were married. Louise wanted to respect the tradition during a holy celebration and she wanted people to know she and Alfie were married. As if he hadn't gone around Camden and told every single person he came across.

Alfie's face softened. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. There she was, right in front of him. His wife. "Ready, love?" He asked. His blue eyes were full of pride.

She nodded and smiled. "Ready."


"Alfie, look at you, you're too thin." An older woman scolded the man and pushed a plate stacked with food towards him.

"Tante Raisa, I have already eaten," Alfie replied in their native tongue. He and Louise were mingling after dinner and saying hello to all the people they hadn't seen since last holiday season. Although they were all Ollie's relatives, they acted as if Alfie was linked by blood too. Some had known Alfie's family, especially Perle since she'd been so active in the community before her death.

It was quite a different experience seeing Alfie among people he considered family. They weren't afraid of him, making jokes at his expense, clapping him on the back, and boisterously laughing along with him. But Alfie seemed to enjoy the company and never once resorted to his business tactics.

He was especially happy to announce he was married.

"Tante, you remember Louise."

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