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            Louise sat outside the door into the doctor's office. She waited patiently for him to finish up with speaking to Alfie after the examination. She was undoubtedly anxious as she waited but at least he was seeking help.

Finally, after about half an hour, Alfie came out. He stopped in front of his wife for a moment. His eyes searched her face as he summoned the courage to speak.

"I'm sorry." He muttered before passing by her and leaving the office.

Confused, Louise looked to the doctor who was standing in the doorway. Her stomach twisted up and she felt sick. There was a large part of her that was in denial. Of course, she'd been worried about the possibility of cancer, but she thought it was just an overreaction. She wanted so desperately to be wrong. But judging by Alfie's reaction and the look on the doctor's face, she had been right all along.

"Why don't you come in, Mrs. Solomons." He let her into his office.

She came and sat across the desk from him.

The man, Doctor Cecil Stephens, was a kind man with much compassion for his patients. He was well known in the Camden community for being one of the best doctors in the area. He'd been in practice for quite some time but had yet to formally see Alfie Solomons as a patient.

Of course, he knew the gangster, it was hard not to when his practice was in the Jewish man's domain. He'd treated many of Alfie's men, people who came in beaten an inch of their life, ones with bullets lodged in them, or a missing body part such as an eye or finger. With this pattern, Cecil naturally assumed that he would come across Alfie one day. And most likely it would be under violent circumstances. Instead, the man arrived that morning with his wife by his side. He looked grumpy, but it was merely a ploy to hide his worry. Once behind doors, Alfie explained the issue and showed him the abrasions that were starting to form on his skin. The man was uncharacteristically quiet and sat stiffly through the diagnosis.

Cecil had seen many reactions in his time as a doctor. It was difficult to predict someone's response to a terrible fate. If anyone were to react violently, he assumed it would be a man with such a reputation as Alfie Solomons. So it was a surprise to see Alfie merely walk off, leaving his wife.

"Mrs. Solomons, I've examined your husband and spoke to him." Cecil sat down and looked through the notes he'd taken. "I'm afraid he's developed a form of skin cancer."

Louise sucked in a sharp breath and felt the sting of tears in her eyes. "I...I don't understand. How?"

"Well, there is still a lot of research being done on cancer. Unfortunately, it's in the early stages. However, I've seen many men like your husband, veterans who were affected by the gases used in battle." He explained with the same gentle tone he used for all his patients and their family members.

"Y-you can do something for him, right?" Her voice was small and she clutched helplessly to her handkerchief.

"There are therapies that are still being developed but we aren't sure the long term effects. Radiation has been proposed in recent years, but it's unknown if it helps." He was sympathetic to the woman. Alfie had told him they were just wed in the summer and they'd only just found out she was expecting. A cancer diagnosis certainly wasn't expected or desired.

"That...that's simply not good enough." Louise stammered. Her heart began to race. She would not lose her husband. She refused to bury him so soon. "There must be something you can do." Her voice rose and her breathing became shallow. The office closed in on her and she panicked. No, it had to be a nightmare. She would wake up and learn it was nothing more than a treatable condition.

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