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My Dearest Alfie,

Tuesday is our wedding day. I'm anxious to see you. I wonder if you're happy yet nervous like I am. But there's nothing to worry about. I know I'm truly marrying my soulmate. My best friend. The man who makes me feel so special.

I love you,

Soon-to-be Mrs. Solomons

Alfie smiled and read through the letter a few times. He studied her familiar handwriting, the swooping penmanship that danced across the page. Looping letters and embellished swirls to finish them off. Ishmael had delivered it to him that night, the night before the wedding. The week had dragged on and it was hard to bear another night. But the reward for his seldom-practiced patience was worth it. Absence truly did make the heart grow fonder.

Alfie picked up the framed picture of Louise that always sat on his desk in their Camden home. Her soft smile shone even in the black and white photograph. His thumb grazed over the glass frame and he couldn't wait to see her in white the next day.


Louise never imagined she would wear a wedding dress. When she married Daniel, she wore one of her everyday dresses for the legal ceremony. But she assumed it was love so she was content. After realizing her mistake, she didn't see a way out and that meant she would never really find the man she was meant to be with. When she met Alfie, she couldn't have guessed he was the one for her. Even when she fell for him, she didn't imagine herself marrying him until he admitted he loved her. Now the seemingly impossible was coming true.

She had the wedding dress made to reflect her mother's dress. Lily and Robert's wedding portrait hung in the parlor of Inglewood. Lily wore a Victorian style gown with a train that trailed out of frame; the front was a typical ball gown skirt with a gathered front. The fitted corset and long sleeves were very outdated. So Louise enlisted the help of Nessa, a skilled dressmaker in Camden.

She'd cried when she first tried on the dress. The skirt of the dress was much slimmer than her mother's but it ended in a similar train. The bodice was fitted with quarter sleeves to both honor her mother and keep it modest. It was simple but beautiful and Louise was overcome with happiness.


"Did you sleep at all last night?" Evelyn asked as she carefully took out the curlers in Louise's hair. "I heard you get up a few times."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Louise winced. "I just kept tossing and turning, I thought it would be better to walk around."

"S'alright." She smiled. "I can imagine you're excited." Her delicate fingers made sure every curl was perfectly in place.

"I'm sure you'll be just as excited the night before your wedding with Ishmael," Louise replied coyly.

The young woman blushed and shrugged. "If he ever proposes. My mother is getting more impatient than I am." She giggled and gathered up the curlers to put away.

"He will soon." Louise knew this for a fact. Alfie had heavily hinted to his driver that he should grow a pair and propose. This included several threats that if Ishmael hurt Evelyn, Alfie would beat the shit out of him. But that was to be expected.

Evelyn smiled and sat back down to pin the veil into Louise's hair. "I can't wait to see Mr. Solomon's face when he sees you."

"I can bet what he'll say." Louise laughed softly as Alfie's voice echoed in her head. The same phrase he used whenever she showed him a dress or lingerie piece that he found particularly pleasing. Fucking hell.

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