Disappearance// part 1

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Disappearance// part 1

*Day Eight*

Ashton POV

"Hello, class, I'm hoping you're all doing well on your projects." The professor says as he walks into class. Meghan is next to me, but Annabelle isn't here. I haven't seen her all day, if heard from her, now that I think about it. Where is she? Hope she's okay. (she is, no need to worry lovelies.)

"Hey, do you know where Belle is? I haven't seen or heard from her all day." I whisper to Meg.

"Oh, Jenna said she got a call earlier this morning and darted for the door. She hasn't been seen since."

"She ran away?"

"No, obviously, something bad happened. We've been calling her like crazy since then. She won't respond."

"So we can't find her, and no one at all knows where she is?"

"I'm sure someone does."

"Can we call those people?"

"We will."

"Are we gonna go looking for her?"

"Eventually, yeah. But we're gonna call around first." I nod my head.

"Hey, Mr. Irwin, Ms. Reunch, do you have something to say to the class?"

"No, professor."

"Then I suggest you keep your mouths shut and pay attention." He continued his lesson and I tried to pay attention, but it's hard to pay attention to whatever anyone is saying when someone you love is out in the world and no one knows where she is. So many things could be happening.

She could be dead, she could be raped and get pregnant, she could get hurt, she could trip and twist her ankle, she could be assaulted by some drunk asshole, anything could happen. You never know in the world, especially know when I literally don't know. No one does.

At the end of class, Meghan takes me to her dorm where we meet up with Milly, Michael, Calum, Jenna, and Luke.

"Do you happen to know where she is?" Jenna asks. She's on the phone with someone. "Really? Thank you, we'll be on the lookout."

"What you'd get?" Milly asks.

"It's not good."

"Jenna." Calum sternly says.

"It's her little brother, Dylan."

"What is it?" I ask, but then we here a door slam from next door.

"Annabelle," Meghan stands up to leave, but I stop her.

"Could I?" She nods and I leave. I walk to her room, take a deep breath, and knock.

"Go away, Jenna."

"Actually, it's Ashton."

"Ash, I'm sorry, but it's not a good time."

"You need to talk to someone."

"No I don't."


"Okay, fine. Come in!" I smile and turn the door knob. I see her, sitting on her bed, under the covers. Her face has make up running and I can it's been a long day full of tears. She still looks beautiful, though.

"You can't just disappear like that. You worried us all sick."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"What happened?"

"It's kind of a long story."

"We have time." She took a deep breath before speaking.

"Okay, so I have a little brother named Dylan. He has cancer. He's only eleven, and has had it since he was five. I got a call from my mother this morning. She said, "Hon, Dylan isn't doing too well. Chemo isn't working and they aren't expecting him to last long. You should probably come down soon." Now, I wasn't aware chemo wasn't working. So this is all a shock to me. I immediately ran to my car and drove twenty over the speed limit to get to the hospital as fast as possible. When I got there, Dylan was laying there. He looked sick as ever, but still happy. I climbed in bed with him and we talked for a while, and then we didn't. He asked me to sing to him, then he died. I was laying next to him the entire time, Ash! He's too young to die! Ashton, he doesn't deserve any of this. Or at least he didn't." She explains, and then breaks down into chest. I slowly pet her hair, trying to calm her down, and eventually she does.

"I'm sorry."

"No worries. I could always just change me shirt."

"No, that's not- well I am sorry about that, too- but I just wanted, actually, no." She takes a deep breath. She was speaking faster than her brain was working, and she started sputtering out words and phrases. She needs to just, breathe, and figure out she wants to say this. "I'm sorry that I just left like that. Jenna was half awake, I should have just told her I was going to visit my brother and that it was an emergency. I should've just told her that I would be back in a few hours. I'm sorry."

"All I care about right now is that you're safe."

A/N: I got iSO8 yaaass.


I'm going to the football game tonight. yes.

Part 2 will be in Belles POV.

as you can see, not all chapter will be a reason why, but that's limited.

UPDATE! I just finished the fourth week of school.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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