Ninety-Two and Ninety-Three Reasons Why

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Ninety-Two and Ninety-Three Reasons Why

*Day Twenty-Seven*

Annabelle POV

It's fucking Christmas, fuck yeah.


Like, seriously, I love it.

It's currently seven in the morning, the time that Dylan and I would wake up our parents. But, since he's not here, I'll do it by myself. Sigh.

I walk into my parents room to wake them up.

"Momma, Dadda, wake up-a." I say as I shake then slightly. They don't even stir. "Mom, Dad, c'mon wake up, it's Christmas." I shake then harder but they still don't wake up. "Mom!" Nothing. "Dad!" Nada. "Dammit, MOM AND DAD WAKE UP IT'S CHRISTMAS." I scream and they finally wake up.

"Why are you waking us up at seven, Belle?" My mom asks, all tired like.

"It's Christmas, duh."

"You're nineteen, you shouldn't be this excited in the morning." Mom says.

"Mom, I love Christmas and you know it. Now, c'mon, we have business to attended to!"

"Honey, how about you wake us up in two hours?" Dad suggests.

"Dylan and I would always wake you up at seven, you'd always get up then." I tell them.

"That's because Dylan was ten last Christmas. But he's not here anymore, so how about we-"

"I have a tradition to uphold, get up!" I yell and they finally get up.

I take them downstairs and within minutes, half of my presents have been stripped of their paper. It takes me just as long to open the other half.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with what I got. My friends and my parents know me so well.

I get a hoodie with my college on front, two pairs of jeans, a pair of boots, a blanket, two pillows, and two movies from my parents. I also get a bunch of stuff from my friends, like a shirt that says 'Like A Boss' on front from Meghan, a pair of sweatpants from Calum, and that bag Ash told me he was getting for Meghan. Apparently, he wasn't.

"Thank you guys for everything." I tell my parents.

"You're welcome, honey. Why don't you take all your gifts upstairs and find a home for them?" My mom says and after three trips, I get everything upstairs.

After my third trip, when everything is placed on my bed, Ashton calls.

"Hello." I cheerfully answer. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas. What did you get?"

"Um, clothes, movies, blanket, boots. Just a sum up."

"Did you like what I got you?"

"I did. I was surprised, I thought Meghan was getting that gift."

"Nope, it was for you."

"What did you get?"

"Oh, this really cool new drum-set! It's amazing! It has amazing sound, and probably the deepest and strongest base drum, ever! I love it!"

92. Grateful

"That's great! Anything else?"

"Yeah, I got some clothes, a few books, some other stuff, and Mom bought me a hamper, so I have a place to put all my dirty clothes, instead of on the floor."

I laugh at that, "Anne's great." I say.

"I loved your gift."

"Thank you, it was brought to you by me sneaking it into my hands with you noticing."

"Well, you did a good job."

"Thank you."

93. Appreciative

"What time did you wake up?"

"Seven, like normal. Which is weird because my parents almost didn't want to wake up. They said the only reason they got up early the last years was because Dylan."


"And I was like, 'GET UP!'"

"Poor Annabelle."

"I know. It hurt my feelings."

"I know what'll cheer you up."


"Tomorrow, you wanna come over? I can show you my new drum set."

"I'd love to."

"Great , I'll see you then. What are you doing now?"

"Mom told me to put all my gifts away. Problem is, I'm planning on taking this all back to Uni with me? So, how do I fit it all in my suitcase?"

"Good question," Ashton says, "You could always go back to Uni with what you left with, and then come back the next day to get it all."

"That would work. But how will I get all back at once?"

"Or, you could use that beautiful bag I bought you to stuff some of the things in."

"It won't fit it all."

"Of course not. But it will fit some of it."

"Alright, I can try." I put the phone on speaker and start putting things in the bag.


"So, what did Harry and Lauren get? Anything good?" I ask him.

"Harry got a few video games, some toys, blah blah. Lauren got some makeup, some clothes, other shit thirteen your olds like."

"Wow, sounds like you really payed attention." I sarcastically say.

"Eh, I was too busy looking at my drum set."

"You really love this drum set, don't you?"

"It's the best gift I've ever received."

"That's great, Ash."

"I really love it."

"I think I've fit as much as I can into this bag." I tell him.

"Really? What did you get in there?"

"All my clothes, and the blanket."

"Okay, so can you fit everything else into your suitcase?"

"Yeah, think I can. You're a genius, Ash."

"I know, I know." I laugh, "Hey, I gotta go. I'll pick you tomorrow at noon?"

"Sure, sounds great."

"Alright, bye, Belle."

"Bye, Ash. Love you."

"I love you too." Ashton hangs up and I sigh. I exit my bedroom and walk downstairs to spend the rest of my Christmas with my parents.

A/N: I'm getting braces in four days. 😃🔫

my mom went shopping and it's like jackpot. Toaster strudels, donuts, hot pockets, Lucky Charms, I love it. Plus she thinks we'll have school off tomorrow. 🙌🙏


HEY ITS THE NIGHT OF SUPERBOWL! I don't really watch football, but the commercials are funny. And I like football, so whatever. plus, the sooner football season is over, the sooner baseball season starts.

UPDATE! I'm drinking Pepsi

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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