Forty-Eight Through Fifty-Six Reasons Why

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Forty-Eight Through Fifty-Six Reasons Why.

*Day Nineteen*

Annabelle POV

I groggily wake up in the middle of the night.

I need to pee.

I quickly hear a weird noise from my right. I snap my head over to see what's going on. I faintly see a person crouching beside my bed.

Is that Ashton?


"Annabelle, hi." He whispers back.

"Would you like to tell me why you're in my dorm?"

"Um, I think I left my phone here."

"When was the last time you were here?"

"Two days ago, I think. When I asked you out."

"Maybe when you scurried off it fell out of your pocket?"

"Probably." He stopped talking and started thinking.

48. Cute while thinking

"Whatever. Can I join you?" He says and I smile.

"Climb in." I scoot over and Ashton kicks off his shoes to get in my bed next to me. He wraps his arms around me waist and I snuggle into him.

49. Hold me tight
50. Keeps me warm

"How did you get in here?"

"Shh, darling, that doesn't matter."

"What does that-"

"Shh." I shrug it off and I'm lulled back to sleep.

When I wake back up, I'm facing a still sleeping Ashton. I smile and lightly kiss the tip of his nose.

51. Peaceful sleeper

I take in everything about him. The way his lips curve, how long his eyelashes are, his cheekbones. I smile at everything I notice.

"Stop staring at me." Ashton says in his raspy voice, slightly scaring me because he broke the silence

52. Raspy just-woke-up voice

"I'm not staring."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Is Jenna still here?"

"No, she probably went to her classes."

"What time is it?"

I look at the clock that's past Ashton. "A little after 10."

"I don't want to go to class."

"Yeah, me neither."

"Skip with me?"

"Okay." We lay there in silence before Ashton brings his phone out of his pocket. "I thought you lost that."

"I must've not remembered I had it in my pocket when I came here. Will you dance with me?"

"I'm horrible at dancing."

"So am I. We can figure it out together." Ashton sits up in my bed and starts playing a slow song. He holds out his hand for me to take. I take it and he pulls me up.

53. Spontaneously adorable

"How'd you sleep?" I ask him as we start dancing.

"Better once I joined you."

54. Smooth with words.


"I know." He trips over his feet, but he catches himself.

"Told you I'm bad at dancing." I also trip over my feet, but Ash catches me.

"Me too."

55. Bad at dancing

"What number are you at for the project?" Ashton asks me after a few seconds of silence.

"55. How about you?"


"So we're right in the same area of reasons."

"Yeah, I guess we are."

"Are you still got going to be friends after the thirty days are up?"

"Of course we are. I'm too hooked to you now to just stop. Plus, there's Amelia and Michael."

"And Luke likes Meghan."


"And Calum and Jenna."

"Annabelle, they're not a thing."

56. Calls me Annabelle

"Jenna likes Calum."

"Oh. I'm not sure about Calum liking her."

"He'll get there."

"How are you so certain?"

"She's pretty and smart and funny and she would be an amazing girlfriend."

"It's good that you speak so highly of your friends."

"If I said anything otherwise, I'd be lying."

"And if I said that you weren't amazing, I'd be lying."

A/N: heyy.

Im wearing panda socks right now.

merry Christmas!

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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