This Is Where The Fun Begins

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Rey and Ben ran back the way they had come. Then they turned to run around the army of stormtroopers, to the Leia's ship where the Falcon was.

It took them a few minutes, to get through the thick mud, but they finally reached the ship. They hurried inside and ran quickly through the halls to the landing bay where the Millennium Falcon waited for them. C-3PO, R2-D2 and BB-8 also waited for them.

"Master Ben, it is good to see you," said C-3PO. He looked around and saw that only Rey was with him. "Where is everyone else?"

"They're busy with some stormtroopers," Ben answered.

"Oh my!" 3PO replied.

"Tell the pilot to take off and orbit the planet," said Ben. "And tell him to be ready to jump into light speed as soon as the Millennium Falcon is in the landing bay."

"Of course," said C-3PO, then he turned to do as he had been instructed.

Rey and Ben hurried into the Millennium Falcon. They quickly ran through the halls to the cockpit. Ben sat down in the pilot seat and Rey sat down next to him in the copilot seat.

They began flipping switches, remembering what they had seen Han do. As they flew away, the ship lifted off to orbit the planet.

They flew the Falcon back to where the others were waiting for them.

Han, Chewbacca, Leia, Poe and Finn continued to shoot at the stormtroopers, but more continued to charge towards them

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Han, Chewbacca, Leia, Poe and Finn continued to shoot at the stormtroopers, but more continued to charge towards them.

One stormtrooper made it only a few feet in front them. Han quickly shot him, before he could make it over the log that was protecting them. "Where is that kid?" he asked impatiently.

As if on cue, the Millennium Falcon came into view. Han watched as the Millennium Falcon flew over head, and landed in a small clearing behind them.

He turned to Leia. "I'll hold them off, you get to the Falcon."

Chewie growled, letting Han know that he wasn't going to leave him.

"Right," said Han. "We'll hold them off."

Leia nodded. Then she, Finn and Poe headed towards the Millennium Falcon. They climbed up the ramp and went through the door.

Once they were safely inside, Han and Chewbacca made a run for the Falcon. They quickly closed the door behind them. Han and Chewbacca ran to the cockpit. Ben stood up and offered the pilot seat to his father as soon as he saw him coming. Han sat down in the pilot seat and began flipping switches. He had done this for many years. He could all most pilot the Falcon blindfolded.

Rey stood up to let Chewbacca set in the copilot seat, but Han stopped her.

"Stay there Rey," he said. "I promised that I would let you copilot the Falcon."

Rey smiled and sat back down.

Ben and Chewbacca sat down in the two seats behind them.

"Flip those switches," Han instructed her.

She did and the Falcon lifted off.

Han continued to press buttons and flip switches. Then he would point out a series of buttons of her to press.

Rey had never been happier in her life. She had always wished that she had a father who would teach her how to fire a blaster or how to fly a ship. Now she realized that just because her real father had abandoned her and was long gone, didn't mean that she couldn't have a family. She had come to realize that love was a stronger bond than blood. She had finally found the belonging that she had always wanted.

As the Millennium Falcon exited the planet, it was quickly surrounded by TIE fighters. Green bolts flew towards the Millennium Falcon.

"Ben, I need you and Finn on the cannons," Han shouted.

Ben hurried down the hall. He ran so fast, that he nearly ran straight into Finn.

"Woah!" said Finn.

"Sorry, Finn," he answered. "I need you on the lower cannon."

"Okay." Finn answered, even though he didn't really like the idea of getting back in the cannon. It was so unsteady.

Ben climbed up the ladder to the top cannon. Then Finn climbed down the ladder to the bottom cannon. They both pulled on the com headsets.

"We've got six TIES coming up on your left!" Rey called into the com link.

Ben and Finn turned their cannons to face the TIES.

"I see 'em," said Finn.

"This is where the fun begins," said Ben, as he and Finn opened fire on the tie fighters.

Han smiled, he was reminded of the days of his youth when he and Luke had done much the same thing. He remembered how exciting it had always seemed. It's still exciting, he admitted.

As the cannons hit the TIE fighters, they burst into flames.

"There's more coming on the right." Han called.

Finn and Ben turned to the right. They opened fire on the TIE fighters. More TIE fighters moved to surround the Millennium Falcon. But they were no match for Han's skills as a pilot, and Rey's as a copilot. With sharp turns and sudden lifts, they were able to out maneuver the TIE fighters. And the TIES quickly became victim to Ben and Finn on the cannons.

Once they had shot down all of the TIE fighters, Finn and Ben let out a loud cheer.
Han and Rey joined in the cheer. Then they quickly flew the Millennium Falcon into the hangar of Leia's ship. The moment they had landed, the pilot took the ship into light speed.

They had escaped the First Order.... this time.

 this time

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