That's Not How The Force Works

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Han, Chewbacca, Paige and Rose loaded the supplies they would need into the Falcon, while Poe was preparing his X-wing.

Finn came over to stand next to him. "I guess this is it. I never thought I would go back to StarKiller Base."

"Well, if you don't want to come maybe you could guide us over the comms," Poe suggested.

"No I want to come, for Rey. I kind of blame myself, if I hadn't tried to leave she wouldn't have ran away, then Ben wouldn't have gone after her, and Rey wouldn't have..."

Poe held up a hand to stop him. "If this didn't happen, StarKiller Base would have taken the Resistance by surprise."

"I guess you're right," Finn agreed. "But I'm going anyway, I have to make it up to Rey. Besides I'm the only one who's been there before."

Poe nodded and smiled. "That's why we need you."

Finn nodded. "Well, I'll see you after...hopefully."

"May the Force be with you," Poe replied.

Finn turned and looked at him. "You too, and good luck."

Poe nodded as Finn turned to join the others in the Millennium Falcon.

"I hope everyone's ready, because I'm taking off," Han announced

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"I hope everyone's ready, because I'm taking off," Han announced. "If something happens to Ben, Leia's going to kill me."

There were no objections, so Han turned to join Chewie in the cockpit. He hopped into the pilot seat as he had all those years ago, realizing that he wasn't as young as he once was. I'm still young, it was all of those years of hard labor in the mines, he told himself.

"Punch it, Chewie!" he said, once the calculations had been made.

Chewbacca growled and punched the Falcon into light speed.

Finn came into the cockpit to stand behind Han. "How do you plan on getting past the shields, Solo?"

"The shields don't work on ships coming in at light speed," Han replied.

"Are you crazy? You can't approach at light speed, we would crash you wouldn't have time to land," Finn replied.

"I've done a lot of crazy things in my lifetime, kid. If I wasn't crazy I wouldn't have lived this long."

"So you've done this before?"

"No, but I've always wanted to," Han replied.

Finn looked at him concerned.

Han pulled the Millennium Falcon out of hyper space just in time as they were about to crash

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Han pulled the Millennium Falcon out of hyper space just in time as they were about to crash. He eased the Falcon down, so that it would slide gently across the snow covered surface of the planet.

"Solo! Look out!" Finn exclaimed, as he noticed that the Falcon was nearing the edge of a cliff.

"Take it easy kid, I've been doing this for a long time, I know what I'm doing," Han replied, flying the Falcon over the edge of the cliff. "The Falcon can still fly, it's not like we're going to fall off of the edge of the cliff."

"I can't wait until we land, you're scaring me half to death," Finn replied.

"Lighten up, kid, you're starting to sound like 3PO."

Han landed the Falcon just outside of the entrance to the base

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Han landed the Falcon just outside of the entrance to the base. Then he, Chewbacca, Finn, Rose and Paige approached quietly.

"Do you have a plan Solo?" Finn asked.

"Nope, I'm just making this up as I go," Han replied.

"Do you know a back way in?" Rose asked.

"No," Finn replied.

"Then how were you planning on getting us in?" Paige's brow creased in concern.

"We could use the Force," Finn suggested.

Han pointed a finger. "That's not how the Force works!"

"Does anyone have an idea?" Rose asked.

Han looked at the entrance, there were only four stormtroopers standing guard. They could handle them easily enough. "Chewie and I will take care of it."

Chewbacca howled in agreement.

The two smugglers walked forward, until they reached the guards.

"I came with the delivery your leader requested," Han told them.

"What delivery?" one of the stormtroopers asked in obvious confusion.

"The delivery," Han replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the galaxy. "I've got a cargo ship full."

The stormtroopers continued to look at him puzzled.

Han heaved an annoyed sigh. "It was requested by a mister..." he trailed off and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, pretending to read it. "...Smoke."

The stormtroopers exchanged glances.

While the stormtroopers were distracted, Chewbacca came up behind them. He grabbed two of them and slammed their heads together, knocking them unconscious.

Han nodded approvingly, then elbowed one of the stormtroopers, knocking him to the ground while Chewbacca took care of the last trooper. Han turned to the others and gestured for them to follow him.

Finn turned to exchange glances with Paige and Rose. Then they followed the two smugglers into the base.

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