The Retreat

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Rey hurried back to where Ben lay unmoving in the snow. She knelt down beside him. "Ben, are you alright?"

He didn't respond.

Tears filled her eyes as she feared the worst. She reached over and took his hand. She was relieved to find it warm and still filled with life. She could still sense his presence.

He was alive, but he wouldn't be for long if he didn't get proper treatment.

She lifted him up and slowly dragged him back towards the Millennium Falcon.

She lifted him up and slowly dragged him back towards the Millennium Falcon

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Han and Chewbacca sat behind a fallen tree as blaster bolts flew past them. Han sat up to shoot one of the stormtroopers that was firing on them.

Chewbacca growled.

"You said it Chewie, if they don't hurry up we're toast," Han replied.

Chewbacca raised his bowcaster and shot down two of the stormtroopers with one blast.

"I have got to get me one of those!" Han said.

Chewbacca made a series of sounds, meaning that his bowcaster was better than Han's blaster.

Han nodded in agreement. "Do you think Ben and Rey made it to the Falcon alright?"

Chewbacca growled: stop being such a worrywart you're starting to sound like Leia.

"I guess being a father changes you that way," Han replied.

Finn, Rose and Paige ran through the halls of StarKiller base

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Finn, Rose and Paige ran through the halls of StarKiller base.

Two stormtroopers stepped out in front of them and they quickly opened fire on them. As soon as the path was clear, they hurried down the hall, until finally they made it outside.

They made their way towards the place where the Millennium Falcon had landed.

A small group of stormtroopers were trailing behind them. Paige stopped briefly and opened fire on them, shooting one of them down.

They ran into the forest and as they neared a fallen tree, blasts fired towards them. They grabbed their blasters ready to return fire, when they looked back to see that the stormtroopers that had been following them were down.

They turned back to the fallen tree to find Han and Chewbacca.

"We stayed behind to cover your retreat. Let's get out of here before more come," Han explained.

Finn nodded. "Good idea."

They all hurried back to the Millennium Falcon. When they entered the main room they found Ben laying on the bed with Rey sitting beside him.

Han noticed the blood that now stained the yellow sheets. He quickly hurried over, realizing that his son was injured.

"Is he alright?" he asked Rey.

"Phasma attacked us, she struck him with lightening somehow," she replied. "I'm sorry."

Han could hear the tears in her voice. He pulled her into a hug. "It's alright, he'll be alright."

Rey nodded.

"As soon as we get out of here, we'll get him to the medical bay," Han went on. Then he stood and ran towards the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon, the sooner he got Ben back to the Resistance base the better.

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