Let the games begin

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     Namjoon was shocked that Jungkook confirmed his suspicions, he tapped Jungkook's knee with a small sigh and smile "You cannot teach your heart who to love Kook, but you can teach it to control your feelings especially if its' not going to work out"

     "I know" Jungkook sighed as he sat up "I can't help it, she's sweet, smart , sexy and gorgeous, I find myself wishing that I am Seung Gi , she clearly adores that guy, she sees us as her brothers hyung, when she was teased earlier at the show because of my hoodie and she answered that I am the baby brother she never had, it hurt here" he said as he clutch at his chest.

      "I know, but you cannot let it show, you have to be the same playful sweet fetus maknae that she had come to know, or she would feel that something is wrong and then you will be force to tell her and I don't think that it will go well...somehow you will need get over your feelings kook"

      " ....I really really like her  but I will try hyung, it's gonna be hard but I don't want her to avoid me or treat me differently" Jungkook smiled sadly, Namjoon was speechless, he pitied Jungkook, he knew that he got it bad when he didn't even reacted when he called him fetus twice..but at the same time he cannot encourage whatever feelings that he has with their Noona, they then heard footsteps and a light knock on the door, Jungkook immediately lay down and pretended to sleep, Abby entered the room quietly,

   "Is he asleep?" She whispered as she sat down by Jungkooks' bed and lightly touched his forehead checking for his temperature, she ruffled his hair and kissed the top of his head "I'll be leaving tomorow and I am already worrying about you guys" she said with a smile, her hands lightly playing with Jungkook's hair, Namjoon knew that he is awake , Jungkook moved to burry his face in the pillow "poor kook, must be blushing terribly just about now"  he thought,

    "We will be fine Noona, Bee is alright, she is like a mini you." Namjoon said with a smile, Abby stood up and head out towards the door, Namjoon followed her, looking back at Jungkook and gently closing the door.

     "Seriously? do you plan on me wearing all of your Hoodies?" she said as she took V's hoodie, it is similar to the one that she wore at the promotion, but this one is gray and has V's name at the sleeve , the moment that V grinned and his eyes widened, she knew that he is up to no good again

     "Actually Noona that is a very great idea... Hyungssssss!" he suddenly turned back and ran upstairs, Abby shook her  head as she put on Vs' hoodie, Bee then approached her.

    "Noona, are you ready?" she said as she looked down at Abbys' bags

     "I hope so, ahh... I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed representing the company and all, I'm close to having a nervous breakdown, I really hope that I will win but if not, I'm wishing that I won't do anything embarassing that will put shame in our company." she said with a sigh, 

    "You will do good Noona, you are always at the top of your game, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Abby shyly began


     "Do you have a bias among the boys?"

      "Nope, but I am guessing that you have one right?" She asked making Bee blush and look behind her "To be honest it's OK to have a bias among them, but you have to make sure that you treat them equally alright? and distract them once they start talking biases or they will never stop, It's like a mini competition for them, she said  with a wink as Bee nodded and grinned " so whose your bias?"

    "Park Jimin" she whispered slowly and with a smile on her face,

    "Ah I can see why, just remember what I told you, and you will survive" she added as she gave out a light chuckle,

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