The Proposal

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CREDIT ALERT : as part of the story, lyrics of Bruno Mars' Just the way you are will be included and so as s mention of a BTS song DNA
I do not own the song (obviously hehehehe) and song will be used for the romantic aspect of the story so pls don't sue me tehheee

ok read on


Seung gi and Abby went together at the office of the Head of Management, Mr. Park who greeted them with a huge smile, "I am glad that you can both make it, I understand that you are well aware of why you are being called?"

"Our Employment Contract.." Abby answered with a smile "And also Top Hits Annual."

"Yes... that is both correct." Mr. Park smiled at the both of them, " Well.. will the boys be available.." he addressed Abby once more

"Of course sir, Top Hit's Annual party is our priority, I already have July 20-28th reserved for the annual" Abby said confidently "

"Perfect, Now for your contracts.." He said as he handed them a green folder with the details of their contract, Both Abby and Seung gi opened them and read the contents. "As you noticed, It' s an open contract, you can leave anytime provided that you will be giving us a 2 months notice all the other legal details are included there, you can review those before signing... especially you Ms. Flemmings since your workload is critical." he explained while looking at Abby who nodded
"So let us discuss preparations for the Annual shall we? "

Seung gi drove alone towards the BTS house, Abby had requested him to pick up the boys and bring them to the company, since she will be included in the planning team for the Annual, Jungkook was the one who opened the door for him "Oh.. hi Seung gi, Is Noona with you?" he said as he looked over his shoulder,

"Nope she just asked me to pick you up. She's still at the company preparing for the annual." He answered as Jungkook nodded

"Who.. oh Hey Hyung come in," Jin said as he also went to the door "Where's Noona? are you not with her?" Seung gi found himself giving the same answer for the rest of the boys, he was made to sit at their lounge while the boys get ready, once they are completed Seung gi found the opportunity that he have been waiting for,

"Guys before we leave, Can I talk to you?" He said as his heart began to nervously pound in his chest, the other guys looking at him curiously,

"Sure Hyung, What is it?" Jimin asked as they all sit down, surrounding him, making Seung gi more nervous than he already is, he can already feel cold sweat breaking into his forehead, clearing his throat he began,

"Ahm, you know that me and your Noona has been going out for almost 3 years now." He said as he reached inside coat pocket, the boy's eyes widened when they saw a little black box, they looked at each other mentally guessing what Seung gi is about to say as he opened the box in front of them, in it was a simple oval shaped pink diamond set with small diamonds in it's band " I want to propose to her." the boys were speechless for quite some time, staring alternately at the ring, then at Seung gi
until V broke their silence,

"Woah! That ring is loaded! aren' t pink diamonds rare and super expensive? and look it even has diamonds in it's band." He said pointing at the ring "How much did you bought that for??"

"V!!" The others reacted as they playfully hit V.

"Ow! ow! sorry I just wanted to know.. please don't kill me.." he laughingly said as he move away from them,

"This is a family heirloom.." Seung gi simply answered with a smile, as he close the box and returned it inside his coat pocket. The boys looked at each other knowing that Seung gi is indeed serious if he will be proposing with that ring,

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