Final Goodbye

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      The skies began to darken as light rain began to fell down, they all felt that it matched their moods, Seung gi looked up to the sky as he felt his heart tighten up, remembering the time when he had kissed Abby under the rain, even the happy memories that we have hurts like hell." he thought as he closed his eyes allowing the rain to wash away the tears as he gave out a sad smile, Yoongi appeared by his side holding an umbrella.

   "Noona would not like it if you get sick Hyung.." He said with a nod, he smilled back and together they head  towards the car and drove off to where they would be paying their last respect for Abby, the boys',  the woman that they all love..

    As soon as they reached their destination, flashes of lights from the cameras almost blinded them, normally they are used to those lights but now it annoyed them, Yoongi wanted to hit one cameramen that move to close for comfort, almost shoving the camera at Jungkook's face but Abby's words rang in his mind "stay cool as a cucumber even though you are red and mad as a tomato.." he smiled at the memory of that night when their Noona had pranked them, a lump form in his throat as he remembered her words "We are inseperable you and I " It seemd that they will be separated after all.. he had almost hit their boss that night.. sighing deeply, he then gently shoved the reporter aside as they entered the building.

      The day for the funeral finally came,   they gathered at the small church before taking Abby to her final resting place, Jungkook was the one who spoke first, he thanked everyone that had come "We have all lost an amazing,  wonderful woman and it pains us to say goodbye.." he began as his hands clutched the podium ".. but this is not goodbye, but see you soon..Noona this song is for you.." He began as he cleared his throat nodding towards the others boys, who joined him in front, he  then nodded towards Yoongi who began to play the song on his piano, the melody is soft, slow and melancholy as the boys began to sing,

this is my final goodbye
i' ll turn my back so you won't see me cry
it breaks me to let you go,
but I know I have to try
this is my final goodbye
let me kiss you one last time
let me whisper I love you, before I truly let you go..

this is my final goodbye
in this lifetime I will let you fly
but my heart will never forget you
the memories I will forever keep
along with all our laughter pain and tears..
this is my final goodbye...
I will see you soon my love
we are never truly apart
because we only have one heart
and this heart that beats for you will never forget you..
even if I have given you my final goodbye...

  The others listened to their soulful voices, they all felt their pain and love with those words, most of them shedding tears, silently the boys went back to their seats as Seung gi stood up and went in front. "Abby is a strong, resilient woman, and yet there is a gentleness within her unmatched by anyone that I have ever known.." he began as he cleared his throat " I will miss her every single day of my life, everything and everywhere is bound to remind me of her, I have lost not only the woman I love but my partner, my soulmate, my heart and yet I know that she would want me to be strong and to go on with my life, Just the way she had lived..with no regrets with
no pain but just happy memories..When I proposed to her , I sang a song that reminds me of who she is, now that she is gone, I will sing this song on what I think she would want me to do or how she would want me to be.. so  that is what I planned to do, Abby, My love, My wifey this is for you.. he said as the lights dimmed as a monitor showed different pictures of Abby as Seung gi began to sing Louis Tomlinson song The two of us, the boys held their gazes steady but broke down when Seung gi reached the chorus part of the song..

So I will keep you, day and night, here until the day I die
I'll be living one life for the two of us
I will be the best of me, always keep you next to me
I'll be living one life for the two of us

Even when I'm on my own, I know I won't be alone
Tattooed on my heart are the words of your favourite song
I know you'll be looking down, swear I'm gonna make you proud
I'll be living one life for the two of us

    As the song reached it's end Seung gi stepped closer, reaching out a hand to touch Abby's face in the monitor, as he sang, struggling with the words as he began to cry

I promised you I'd do this
So all of this is all for you
Oh, I swear to God you're living
Through everything I'll ever do

So I will keep you, day and night, here until the day I die
I'll be living one life for the two of us
I will be the best of me, always keep you next to me
I'll be living one life for the two of us

Even when I'm on my own, I know I won't be alone
Tattooed on my heart are the words of your favourite song
I know you'll be looking down, swear I'm gonna make you proud
I'll be living one life for the two of us

     The last picture stopped on the screen,  this time it was the picture when he proposed to Abby, she was smilling widely at everyone, while he was looking at her like she is the only woman in the world, and in a sense and for him, she is indeed the only woman that he would ever love..

We'll end just like we started
Just you and me and no one else
I will hold you where my heart is
One life for the two of us..

     He ended the song as he broke down and cried, the other boys went to him, enveloping him in  a group hug, for now,  this is the only way that they can comfort each other, the only way that they can confront their pain, knowing in their hearts that as long as they stayed together, they can move past the hurt, they may have lost Abby but they still have each other and as they cried they remembered Abby and in their hearts they knew that they will never ever forget about her.

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